ParcelPal Technology (TSE:PKG)
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ParcelPal Technology (PKG) Stock Price & Analysis


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Options Prices

Currently, No data available

Ownership Overview

72.65% Insiders
― Other Institutional Investors
27.35% Public Companies and
Individual Investors


What was ParcelPal Technology’s price range in the past 12 months?
ParcelPal Technology lowest stock price was C$0.02 and its highest was C$0.15 in the past 12 months.
    What is ParcelPal Technology’s market cap?
    Currently, no data Available
    When is ParcelPal Technology’s upcoming earnings report date?
    ParcelPal Technology’s upcoming earnings report date is Nov 27, 2024 which is 25 days ago.
      How were ParcelPal Technology’s earnings last quarter?
      Currently, no data Available
      Is ParcelPal Technology overvalued?
      According to Wall Street analysts ParcelPal Technology’s price is currently Overvalued. Get more investment ideas with TipRanks Premium
        Does ParcelPal Technology pay dividends?
        ParcelPal Technology does not currently pay dividends.
        What is ParcelPal Technology’s EPS estimate?
        ParcelPal Technology’s EPS estimate for its next earnings report is not yet available.
        How many shares outstanding does ParcelPal Technology have?
        ParcelPal Technology has 27,804,047 shares outstanding.
          What happened to ParcelPal Technology’s price movement after its last earnings report?
          Currently, no data Available
          Which hedge fund is a major shareholder of ParcelPal Technology?
          Currently, no hedge funds are holding shares in TSE:PKG

          ParcelPal Technology Stock Smart Score

          Company Description

          ParcelPal Technology

          ParcelPal Technology Inc is engaged in the development of an on-demand local delivery service application. It is also engaged in providing on-demand local delivery services. It offers its application service to Restaurant, Retail stores, ad liquor stores. It owns and operates ParcelPal, a streamlined mobile application that enables consumers to shop at local merchants and have their items delivered in an hour or less. It provides online eCommerce integrations (WooCommerce, Magento, Shopify), an iOS application, open web portal for B2B shipments and various API integration capabilities.
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