Johnson Outdoors Inc. (JOUT)
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Johnson Outdoors (JOUT) Stock Price & Analysis


JOUT Stock Chart & Stats



Ownership Overview

43.47% Other Institutional Investors
28.61% Public Companies and
Individual Investors

Risk Analysis

Main Risk Category
Finance & CorporateFinancial and accounting risks. Risks related to the execution of corporate activity and strategy


What was Johnson Outdoors Inc.’s price range in the past 12 months?
Johnson Outdoors Inc. lowest stock price was $29.98 and its highest was $53.86 in the past 12 months.
    What is Johnson Outdoors Inc.’s market cap?
    Currently, no data Available
    When is Johnson Outdoors Inc.’s upcoming earnings report date?
    Johnson Outdoors Inc.’s upcoming earnings report date is Jan 31, 2025 which is in 40 days.
      How were Johnson Outdoors Inc.’s earnings last quarter?
      Johnson Outdoors Inc. released its earnings results on Dec 10, 2024. The company reported -$3.35 earnings per share for the quarter, missing the consensus estimate of -$0.98 by -$2.37.
        Is Johnson Outdoors Inc. overvalued?
        According to Wall Street analysts Johnson Outdoors Inc.’s price is currently Overvalued. Get more investment ideas with TipRanks Premium
          Does Johnson Outdoors Inc. pay dividends?
          Johnson Outdoors Inc. pays a Quarterly dividend of $0.33 which represents an annual dividend yield of 3.6%. See more information on Johnson Outdoors Inc. dividends here
            What is Johnson Outdoors Inc.’s EPS estimate?
            Johnson Outdoors Inc.’s EPS estimate is -$1.27.
              How many shares outstanding does Johnson Outdoors Inc. have?
              Johnson Outdoors Inc. has 9,090,288 shares outstanding.
                What happened to Johnson Outdoors Inc.’s price movement after its last earnings report?
                Johnson Outdoors Inc. reported an EPS of -$3.35 in its last earnings report, missing expectations of -$0.98. Following the earnings report the stock price went up 1.626%.
                  Which hedge fund is a major shareholder of Johnson Outdoors Inc.?
                  Among the largest hedge funds holding Johnson Outdoors Inc.’s share is Gamco Investors, Inc. ET AL. It holds Johnson Outdoors Inc.’s shares valued at 11M.

                    Company Description

                    Johnson Outdoors Inc.

                    Johnson Outdoors, Inc. engages in the manufacturing and marketing of seasonal, outdoor recreation products. It operates through the following segments: Fishing, Camping, Watercraft Recreation, Diving, and Other. The Fishing segment includes the brands Minn Kota electric motors for quiet trolling or primary propulsion, marine battery chargers, and shallow water anchors; Humminbird sonar and GPS equipment for fishfinding, navigation and marine cartography; and Cannon downriggers for controlled-depth fishing. The Camping segment comprises Eureka! Consumer, commercial and military tents and accessories, sleeping bags, camping furniture and stoves and other recreational camping products; and Jetboil portable outdoor cooking systems. The Watercraft Recreation segment designs and markets canoes and kayaks, including pedal-driven and Minn Kota motor-driven kayaks, under the Ocean Kayaks and Old Town brand names for family recreation, touring, angling and tripping. The Diving segment sells and distributes the SCUBAPRO brand. The company was founded by Samuel Curtis Johnson II in 1970 and is headquartered in Racine, WI.

                    JOUT Earnings Call

                    Q4 2024
                    0:00 / 0:00
                    Earnings Call Sentiment|Neutral
                    The earnings call highlighted the company's focus on maintaining financial stability with a debt-free balance sheet and positive cash flow, as well as initiatives in operational cost savings. However, the call also reflected significant challenges, including declining gross margins, increased operating expenses, and a tough market environment with soft consumer demand.Read More>
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