Samsung Life Insurance Co
Samsung Life is Korea's largest insurer. It has a market share of life-insurance premiums of around 23%, compared with 13% for Hanwha Life and 11% for Kyobo Life, its two biggest rivals. It owns 72% of listed Samsung Card and 30% of equity-method affiliate Samsung Securities. It also owns close to 15% of sister company Samsung Fire & Marine Insurance, Korea's largest nonlife insurer, and owns 8.5% of Samsung Electronics, a stake that is worth well in excess of its own market cap. It in turn is more than 50% owned by related shareholders: 21% by Lee Kun-Hee, 19% by Samsung C&T (the presumptive parent of the Samsung group), 6% by E-mart (a retailer whose largest shareholders are Lee Kun-Hee's sister and nephew), and 5% by the Samsung Foundation of Culture.