Orbia Advance Corporation SAB de CV (MXCHF)

Orbia Advance SAB de CV (MXCHF) Price & Analysis


MXCHF Stock Chart & Stats





What was Orbia Advance Corporation SAB de CV’s price range in the past 12 months?
Orbia Advance Corporation SAB de CV lowest stock price was $0.59 and its highest was $2.47 in the past 12 months.
    What is Orbia Advance Corporation SAB de CV’s market cap?
    Orbia Advance Corporation SAB de CV’s market cap is $1.53B.
      When is Orbia Advance Corporation SAB de CV’s upcoming earnings report date?
      Orbia Advance Corporation SAB de CV’s upcoming earnings report date is Apr 23, 2025 which is in 52 days.
        How were Orbia Advance Corporation SAB de CV’s earnings last quarter?
        Orbia Advance Corporation SAB de CV released its earnings results on Feb 20, 2025. The company reported -$0.03 earnings per share for the quarter, missing the consensus estimate of N/A by -$0.03.
          Is Orbia Advance Corporation SAB de CV overvalued?
          According to Wall Street analysts Orbia Advance Corporation SAB de CV’s price is currently Overvalued. Get more investment ideas with TipRanks Premium
            Does Orbia Advance Corporation SAB de CV pay dividends?
            Orbia Advance Corporation SAB de CV pays a Quarterly dividend of $0.08 which represents an annual dividend yield of 13.95%. See more information on Orbia Advance Corporation SAB de CV dividends here
              What is Orbia Advance Corporation SAB de CV’s EPS estimate?
              Orbia Advance Corporation SAB de CV’s EPS estimate for its next earnings report is not yet available.
              How many shares outstanding does Orbia Advance Corporation SAB de CV have?
              Orbia Advance Corporation SAB de CV has 1,968,000,000 shares outstanding.
                What happened to Orbia Advance Corporation SAB de CV’s price movement after its last earnings report?
                Orbia Advance Corporation SAB de CV reported an EPS of -$0.03 in its last earnings report, missing expectations of N/A. Following the earnings report the stock price went same 0%.
                  Which hedge fund is a major shareholder of Orbia Advance Corporation SAB de CV?
                  Currently, no hedge funds are holding shares in MXCHF

                  Company Description

                  Orbia Advance Corporation SAB de CV

                  Orbia Advance Corp. SAB de CV engages in the manufacture and sale of petrochemical products. It operates through the following segments: Vinyl, Energy Fluor and Fluent. The Vinyl segment offers treatment of wastewater treatment. It produces PVC that serves construction industry. The Fluor segment operates through three segments: Fluoride Process, Hydrofluoric Acid and Aluminium Fluoride Process and Refrigerant Gas Process. The Fluoride Process segment extracts fluorspar, which is used in the production of hydrofluoric acid, the cement, ceramic, steel and welding industries. The Fluent segment manufactures products for day to day purposes like PVC pipes and connections, polyethene and polypropylene,as well as geosynthectics, which are used for water management systems. The company was founded on June 30, 1978 and is headquartered in Tlalnepantla, Mexico.

                  MXCHF Company Deck


                  MXCHF Earnings Call

                  Q4 2025
                  0:00 / 0:00
                  Earnings Call Sentiment|Neutral
                  The earnings call revealed a challenging year for Orbia with declines in revenue and EBITDA across most segments. While there were successful cost optimization efforts and improvements in certain areas like Precision Agriculture, significant challenges remain, particularly in Connectivity Solutions and the high debt levels. The company is focusing on cost control and deleveraging strategies amid a difficult economic environment.Read More>
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