Idex Biometrics Asa (IDXAD)

IDEX Biometrics (IDXAD) Price & Analysis


IDXAD Stock Chart & Stats




Options Prices

Currently, No data available

Ownership Overview

― Other Institutional Investors
100.00% Public Companies and
Individual Investors


What was Idex Biometrics Asa’s price range in the past 12 months?
Idex Biometrics Asa lowest stock price was $0.01 and its highest was $0.12 in the past 12 months.
    What is Idex Biometrics Asa’s market cap?
    Idex Biometrics Asa’s market cap is $8.99M.
      When is Idex Biometrics Asa’s upcoming earnings report date?
      Idex Biometrics Asa’s upcoming earnings report date is Feb 27, 2025 which is 2 days ago.
        How were Idex Biometrics Asa’s earnings last quarter?
        Currently, no data Available
        Is Idex Biometrics Asa overvalued?
        According to Wall Street analysts Idex Biometrics Asa’s price is currently Overvalued. Get more investment ideas with TipRanks Premium
          Does Idex Biometrics Asa pay dividends?
          Idex Biometrics Asa does not currently pay dividends.
          What is Idex Biometrics Asa’s EPS estimate?
          Idex Biometrics Asa’s EPS estimate for its next earnings report is not yet available.
          How many shares outstanding does Idex Biometrics Asa have?
          Idex Biometrics Asa has 831,576,970 shares outstanding.
            What happened to Idex Biometrics Asa’s price movement after its last earnings report?
            Currently, no data Available
            Which hedge fund is a major shareholder of Idex Biometrics Asa?
            Currently, no hedge funds are holding shares in IDXAD

            Company Description

            Idex Biometrics Asa

            IDEX Biometrics ASA is a fingerprint imaging, recognition and authentication technology company. It is engaged in developing and commercializing fingerprint sensor products targeted at the mobile, smart and ID card, and the Internet of Things markets. IDEX provides hardware and software fingerprint solutions suitable for embedding into products in order to strengthen security and enhance user friendliness products. Its product portfolio is a full-featured, biometric authentication solution, which enables on-device fingerprint enrolment, template storage and verification.

            IDXAD Company Deck


            IDXAD Earnings Call

            Q3 2024
            0:00 / 0:00
            Earnings Call Sentiment|Neutral
            The earnings call highlighted significant strategic achievements such as securing key approvals from Visa and Mastercard, successful transactions in India, and financial restructuring efforts. However, the company's current financial performance remains weak with minimal revenue and substantial net losses. Despite these challenges, there is optimism about future growth prospects as new products are launched and market penetration increases.Read More>
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