Industria de Diseno Textil (IDEXY)
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Industria de Diseno Textil (IDEXY) Stock Price & Analysis


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Ownership Overview

<0.01% Other Institutional Investors
99.99% Public Companies and
Individual Investors

Website Traffic

The estimated number of people who visited one or more of the websites owned by Industria de Diseno Textil
Desktop Users
Mobile Users


What was Industria de Diseno Textil’s price range in the past 12 months?
Industria de Diseno Textil lowest stock price was $20.44 and its highest was $30.11 in the past 12 months.
    What is Industria de Diseno Textil’s market cap?
    Currently, no data Available
    When is Industria de Diseno Textil’s upcoming earnings report date?
    Industria de Diseno Textil’s upcoming earnings report date is Mar 12, 2025 which is in 76 days.
      How were Industria de Diseno Textil’s earnings last quarter?
      Industria de Diseno Textil released its earnings results on Dec 11, 2024. The company reported $0.283 earnings per share for the quarter, missing the consensus estimate of $0.3 by -$0.017.
        Is Industria de Diseno Textil overvalued?
        According to Wall Street analysts Industria de Diseno Textil’s price is currently Overvalued. Get more investment ideas with TipRanks Premium
          Does Industria de Diseno Textil pay dividends?
          Industria de Diseno Textil pays a Semiannually dividend of $0.292 which represents an annual dividend yield of 2.25%. See more information on Industria de Diseno Textil dividends here
            What is Industria de Diseno Textil’s EPS estimate?
            Industria de Diseno Textil’s EPS estimate is $0.23.
              How many shares outstanding does Industria de Diseno Textil have?
              Industria de Diseno Textil has 6,233,304,000 shares outstanding.
                What happened to Industria de Diseno Textil’s price movement after its last earnings report?
                Industria de Diseno Textil reported an EPS of $0.283 in its last earnings report, missing expectations of $0.3. Following the earnings report the stock price went down -6.411%.
                  Which hedge fund is a major shareholder of Industria de Diseno Textil?
                  Among the largest hedge funds holding Industria de Diseno Textil’s share is Fisher Asset Management LLC. It holds Industria de Diseno Textil’s shares valued at N/A.

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                    Company Description

                    Industria de Diseno Textil

                    Inditex is a multibrand fashion conglomerate, founded in 1985. Zara is its flagship brand (including Zara Home), generating just under 70% of revenue and just over 70% of profits. Other brands include Pull & Bear, Massimo Dutti, Bershka, Stradivarius, Oysho, and Uterque. The company operates through 7,000-plus stores globally, over 2,000 of them belonging to the Zara brand. Sixty-five percent of revenue is generated in the European home market, while the Americas and Asia contribute 16% and 19%, respectively. The company keeps design in house while mostly outsourcing manufacturing (own manufacturing constitutes only a low-single-digit percentage of output). Over 50% of sourcing factories are in proximity to the company's headquarters in Spain.

                    IDEXY Company Deck


                    IDEXY Earnings Call

                    Q3 2024
                    0:00 / 0:00
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