BrilliA Inc. Class A (BRIA)
US Market

BrilliA Inc. Class A (BRIA) Price & Analysis


BRIA Stock Chart & Stats





What was BrilliA Inc. Class A’s price range in the past 12 months?
BrilliA Inc. Class A lowest stock price was $3.21 and its highest was $4.38 in the past 12 months.
    What is BrilliA Inc. Class A’s market cap?
    Currently, no data Available
    When is BrilliA Inc. Class A’s upcoming earnings report date?
    The company’s upcoming earnings report date is not yet available.
    How were BrilliA Inc. Class A’s earnings last quarter?
    Currently, no data Available
    Is BrilliA Inc. Class A overvalued?
    According to Wall Street analysts BrilliA Inc. Class A’s price is currently Overvalued. Get more investment ideas with TipRanks Premium
      Does BrilliA Inc. Class A pay dividends?
      BrilliA Inc. Class A does not currently pay dividends.
      What is BrilliA Inc. Class A’s EPS estimate?
      BrilliA Inc. Class A’s EPS estimate for its next earnings report is not yet available.
      How many shares outstanding does BrilliA Inc. Class A have?
      BrilliA Inc. Class A has 25,000,000 shares outstanding.
        What happened to BrilliA Inc. Class A’s price movement after its last earnings report?
        Currently, no data Available
        Which hedge fund is a major shareholder of BrilliA Inc. Class A?
        Currently, no hedge funds are holding shares in BRIA

        Company Description

        BrilliA Inc. Class A

        BrilliA is the holding company of Bra Pro and, through its subsidiary BrilliA Singapore, MAP. Bra Pro operates primarily as a sales and marketing entity, focusing on maintaining customers relationships and managing orders for lingerie and apparel from these customers. Based on the preferences of these customers, Bra Pro then directly engages with third-party manufacturers, sourcing materials, and establishing supply contracts with them. Bra Pro is a premier supplier of ladies's intimate apparel worldwide. Some of the key customers of Bra Pro include Fruit of the Loom Inc, Hanes Brands Inc, Jockey International, Hennes & Mauritz, Canadelle and Li & Fung. MAP serves as Bra Pro's fulfilment partner, overseeing the execution of Bra Pro's customers' orders. MAP's services entail leading the design and prototyping phases of the lingerie and apparel design based on Bra Pro's customer's preferences, and ensuring the quality of products manufactured by third-party manufacturers.
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