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ChainLink and Blockchain Related Companies
These are companies that are actively involved in the development and utilization of ChainLink and blockchain technologies
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ChainLink FAQ
What is the price of one ChainLink?
The live price of ChainLink (LINK-USD) is $15.24.
What’s ChainLink All-Time High?
ChainLink's (LINK-USD) all-time high is $52.99.
What is ChainLink?
Created in 2017, the LINK abstraction layer enables the integration of smart contracts and off-chain data, which means blockchains can interact with data feeds that are external. This decentralized network has allowed data providers to monetize their databases while users can also operate nodes and generate revenue for themselves.
Further, Chainlink 2.0 expands decentralized Oracle Networks (DONs) in seven key areas- hybrid smart contracts, scaling, improved functionality, confidentiality, trust minimization, order fairness and security. Additionally, Chainlink’s decentralized metalayer helps smart contracts utilize a wide range of services and accelerate DApp development.
The max supply of LINK tokens is capped at 1 billion.