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ApeCoin FAQ
What is the price of one ApeCoin?
The live price of ApeCoin (APE-USD) is $0.58.
What’s ApeCoin All-Time High?
ApeCoin's (APE-USD) all-time high is $27.79.
What is ApeCoin?
This ERC-20 token uses the Proof-of-Work (POW) mechanism and was created on the Ethereum blockchain. APE is a governance and utility token, and its holders can vote on the direction of the ApeCoin ecosystem.
Further, APE serves as the decentralized protocol layer for community-led initiatives. The APE Foundation is the base layer on which APE holders can build. The foundation administers the decisions of the ApeCoin DAO and is designed to become more decentralized with time.
The maximum supply of APE tokens is capped at 1 billion.