Zelira Therapeutics Ltd. (ZLDAF)

Zelira Therapeutics (ZLDAF) Price & Analysis


ZLDAF Stock Chart & Stats





What was Zelira Therapeutics Ltd.’s price range in the past 12 months?
Zelira Therapeutics Ltd. lowest stock price was $0.16 and its highest was $0.66 in the past 12 months.
    What is Zelira Therapeutics Ltd.’s market cap?
    Zelira Therapeutics Ltd.’s market cap is $3.43M.
      When is Zelira Therapeutics Ltd.’s upcoming earnings report date?
      Zelira Therapeutics Ltd.’s upcoming earnings report date is Aug 27, 2025 which is in 151 days.
        How were Zelira Therapeutics Ltd.’s earnings last quarter?
        Zelira Therapeutics Ltd. released its earnings results on Feb 26, 2025. The company reported -$0.133 earnings per share for the quarter, missing the consensus estimate of N/A by -$0.133.
          Is Zelira Therapeutics Ltd. overvalued?
          According to Wall Street analysts Zelira Therapeutics Ltd.’s price is currently Overvalued. Get more investment ideas with TipRanks Premium
            Does Zelira Therapeutics Ltd. pay dividends?
            Zelira Therapeutics Ltd. does not currently pay dividends.
            What is Zelira Therapeutics Ltd.’s EPS estimate?
            Zelira Therapeutics Ltd.’s EPS estimate for its next earnings report is not yet available.
            How many shares outstanding does Zelira Therapeutics Ltd. have?
            Zelira Therapeutics Ltd. has 11,347,155 shares outstanding.
              What happened to Zelira Therapeutics Ltd.’s price movement after its last earnings report?
              Zelira Therapeutics Ltd. reported an EPS of -$0.133 in its last earnings report, missing expectations of N/A. Following the earnings report the stock price went same 0%.
                Which hedge fund is a major shareholder of Zelira Therapeutics Ltd.?
                Currently, no hedge funds are holding shares in ZLDAF

                Zelira Therapeutics Stock Smart Score

                Company Description

                Zelira Therapeutics Ltd.

                Zelira Therapeutics Limited, a bio-pharmaceutical company, engages in the research, development, and commercialisation of cannabinoid-based medicines for the treatment of various medical conditions in Australia. It offers formulations under the HOPE brand in Pennsylvania and Louisiana, as well as develops Zenivol, a cannabinoid-based medicine for treatment of chronic insomnia. The company also provides OTC products, including SprinJene, an oral care product; and RAF FIVE, a dermatology product, as well as ITURA, an advanced relief cream formula that targets multi-symptoms, such as numbness and tingling, muscle cramps, insensitivities, and pain associated with Peripheral Artery Disease and diabetes. Zelira Therapeutics has strategic partnerships with Curtin University; the Telethon Kids Institute; the University of Western Australia; St. Vincent's Hospital; and the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. The company was formerly known as Zelda Therapeutics Limited and changed its name to Zelira Therapeutics Limited in December 2019. Zelira Therapeutics Limited was incorporated in 2003 and is headquartered in Perth, Australia.
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