Lucara Diamond J (TSE:LUC)
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Lucara Diamond (LUC) Stock Price & Analysis


LUC Stock Chart & Stats

Bulls Say, Bears Say

Bulls Say
Competitive AdvantageLucara remains a premium diamond producer amongst its peers due to its unique diamond production mix from Karowe, known for its large and high-value diamonds.
Market PositionWith a unique diamond production mix from Karowe, which is known for its large and high-value diamonds, Lucara remains a premium diamond producer amongst its peers.
Revenue GrowthLucara expects a higher proportion of diamonds recovered to be from the higher value units within the South Lobe, which drives estimated revenue in line with prior forecasts.
Bears Say
Financial PerformanceLucara's total operating costs are guided to be slightly higher than previous estimates.
Market ConditionsThe continued weakness in the market adds to a cautious outlook for Lucara's short- to mid-term performance.
Operational ChallengesRecovered and sold diamonds have been guided somewhat lower than expected, impacting expectations.



Options Prices

Currently, No data available

Ownership Overview

26.47% Insiders
<0.01% Other Institutional Investors
73.07% Public Companies and
Individual Investors


What was Lucara Diamond J’s price range in the past 12 months?
Lucara Diamond J lowest stock price was C$0.28 and its highest was C$0.63 in the past 12 months.
    What is Lucara Diamond J’s market cap?
    Lucara Diamond J’s market cap is C$171.70M.
      When is Lucara Diamond J’s upcoming earnings report date?
      Lucara Diamond J’s upcoming earnings report date is Feb 20, 2025 which is in 19 days.
        How were Lucara Diamond J’s earnings last quarter?
        Lucara Diamond J released its earnings results on Nov 14, 2024. The company reported C$0 earnings per share for the quarter, missing the consensus estimate of C$0.087 by -C$0.087.
          Is Lucara Diamond J overvalued?
          According to Wall Street analysts Lucara Diamond J’s price is currently Undervalued. Get more investment ideas with TipRanks Premium
            Does Lucara Diamond J pay dividends?
            Lucara Diamond J pays a Quarterly dividend of C$0.025 which represents an annual dividend yield of N/A. See more information on Lucara Diamond J dividends here
              What is Lucara Diamond J’s EPS estimate?
              Lucara Diamond J’s EPS estimate is 0.01.
                How many shares outstanding does Lucara Diamond J have?
                Lucara Diamond J has 451,848,940 shares outstanding.
                  What happened to Lucara Diamond J’s price movement after its last earnings report?
                  Lucara Diamond J reported an EPS of C$0 in its last earnings report, missing expectations of C$0.087. Following the earnings report the stock price went down -8.696%.
                    Which hedge fund is a major shareholder of Lucara Diamond J?
                    Currently, no hedge funds are holding shares in TSE:LUC

                    Lucara Diamond Stock Smart Score

                    Company Description

                    Lucara Diamond J

                    Lucara Diamond Corp is a diamond mining company engaged in the development and operations of diamond properties in Africa. Its business segment includes Karowe Mine, Corporate and other. The company earns the majority of its revenue from the Karowe Mine segment.
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