Costco Wholesale Corporation Shs -CAD hedged- Canadian Depositary Receipt Repr Shs Reg S (TSE:COST)
Canadian Market
Costco Wholesale Corporation Shs -CAD hedged- Canadian Depositary Receipt Repr Shs Reg S

Costco Wholesale Corporation Shs -CAD hedged- Canadian Depositary Receipt Repr Shs Reg S (COST) Price & Analysis


COST Stock Chart & Stats



What was Costco Wholesale Corporation Shs -CAD hedged- Canadian Depositary Receipt Repr Shs Reg S’s price range in the past 12 months?
Costco Wholesale Corporation Shs -CAD hedged- Canadian Depositary Receipt Repr Shs Reg S lowest stock price was C$47.23 and its highest was C$49.12 in the past 12 months.
    What is Costco Wholesale Corporation Shs -CAD hedged- Canadian Depositary Receipt Repr Shs Reg S’s market cap?
    Costco Wholesale Corporation Shs -CAD hedged- Canadian Depositary Receipt Repr Shs Reg S’s market cap is C$673.58B.
      When is Costco Wholesale Corporation Shs -CAD hedged- Canadian Depositary Receipt Repr Shs Reg S’s upcoming earnings report date?
      Costco Wholesale Corporation Shs -CAD hedged- Canadian Depositary Receipt Repr Shs Reg S’s upcoming earnings report date is Mar 06, 2025 which is in 21 days.
        How were Costco Wholesale Corporation Shs -CAD hedged- Canadian Depositary Receipt Repr Shs Reg S’s earnings last quarter?
        Currently, no data Available
        Is Costco Wholesale Corporation Shs -CAD hedged- Canadian Depositary Receipt Repr Shs Reg S overvalued?
        According to Wall Street analysts Costco Wholesale Corporation Shs -CAD hedged- Canadian Depositary Receipt Repr Shs Reg S’s price is currently Overvalued. Get more investment ideas with TipRanks Premium
          Does Costco Wholesale Corporation Shs -CAD hedged- Canadian Depositary Receipt Repr Shs Reg S pay dividends?
          Costco Wholesale Corporation Shs -CAD hedged- Canadian Depositary Receipt Repr Shs Reg S pays a N/A dividend of C$0.212 which represents an annual dividend yield of 0.43%. See more information on Costco Wholesale Corporation Shs -CAD hedged- Canadian Depositary Receipt Repr Shs Reg S dividends here
            What is Costco Wholesale Corporation Shs -CAD hedged- Canadian Depositary Receipt Repr Shs Reg S’s EPS estimate?
            Costco Wholesale Corporation Shs -CAD hedged- Canadian Depositary Receipt Repr Shs Reg S’s EPS estimate for its next earnings report is not yet available.
            How many shares outstanding does Costco Wholesale Corporation Shs -CAD hedged- Canadian Depositary Receipt Repr Shs Reg S have?
            Costco Wholesale Corporation Shs -CAD hedged- Canadian Depositary Receipt Repr Shs Reg S has 443,898,860 shares outstanding.
              What happened to Costco Wholesale Corporation Shs -CAD hedged- Canadian Depositary Receipt Repr Shs Reg S’s price movement after its last earnings report?
              Currently, no data Available
              Which hedge fund is a major shareholder of Costco Wholesale Corporation Shs -CAD hedged- Canadian Depositary Receipt Repr Shs Reg S?
              Currently, no hedge funds are holding shares in TSE:COST

              Company Description

              Costco Wholesale Corporation Shs -CAD hedged- Canadian Depositary Receipt Repr Shs Reg S

              The leading warehouse club, Costco has 815 stores worldwide (at the end of fiscal 2021), with most sales derived in the United States (72%) and Canada (14%). It sells memberships that allow customers to shop in its warehouses, which feature low prices on a limited product assortment. Costco mainly caters to individual shoppers, but roughly 20% of paid members carry business memberships. Food and sundries accounted for 40% of fiscal 2021 sales, with non-food merchandise 29%, warehouse ancillary and other businesses (such as fuel and pharmacy) nearly 17%, and fresh food 14%. Costco's warehouses average around 146,000 square feet; over 75% of its locations offer fuel. About 7% of Costco's global sales come from e-commerce (excluding same-day grocery and various other services).
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