Toppoint Holdings, Inc. (TOPP)
US Market

Toppoint Holdings, Inc. (TOPP) Price & Analysis


TOPP Stock Chart & Stats



What was Toppoint Holdings, Inc.’s price range in the past 12 months?
Toppoint Holdings, Inc. lowest stock price was $1.51 and its highest was $4.50 in the past 12 months.
    What is Toppoint Holdings, Inc.’s market cap?
    Currently, no data Available
    When is Toppoint Holdings, Inc.’s upcoming earnings report date?
    The company’s upcoming earnings report date is not yet available.
    How were Toppoint Holdings, Inc.’s earnings last quarter?
    Currently, no data Available
    Is Toppoint Holdings, Inc. overvalued?
    According to Wall Street analysts Toppoint Holdings, Inc.’s price is currently Overvalued. Get more investment ideas with TipRanks Premium
      Does Toppoint Holdings, Inc. pay dividends?
      Toppoint Holdings, Inc. does not currently pay dividends.
      What is Toppoint Holdings, Inc.’s EPS estimate?
      Toppoint Holdings, Inc.’s EPS estimate for its next earnings report is not yet available.
      How many shares outstanding does Toppoint Holdings, Inc. have?
      Toppoint Holdings, Inc. has 17,500,000 shares outstanding.
        What happened to Toppoint Holdings, Inc.’s price movement after its last earnings report?
        Currently, no data Available
        Which hedge fund is a major shareholder of Toppoint Holdings, Inc.?
        Currently, no hedge funds are holding shares in TOPP

        Company Description

        Toppoint Holdings, Inc.

        Toppoint is a truckload services and solutions provider focused on the recycling export supply chain. We have become a key player in the New Jersey and Pennsylvania regional trucking market for waste paper. In addition to waste paper, our portfolio also includes the shipment of scrap metal and wooden logs from large waste companies, recycling centers and commodity traders to the ports of Newark, NJ, and Philadelphia, PA. We continue to expand our footprints domestically and have ventured into the recycling export transport market of Tampa and Miami, FL, and Baltimore, MD in 2023. We intend to explore the international market in Canada, the United Kingdom and Australia in the near future. Our client base includes largest Fortune 500 waste companies and over 280 recycling centers and commodity traders that operate in nearly 2,300 locations.
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