Record Transaction Activity
Completed over $195 million of gross investments, the highest quarter on record, with a blended cash yield of 7.4% and 14 years of weighted average lease term.
Portfolio Diversification Achievements
Reduced top 10 tenant concentration by 410 basis points to 45.1% of ABR and Walgreens exposure by 100 basis points to 3.8% of ABR.
Strong Financial Position
Closed on $275 million of additional financing commitments, including a new $175 million senior unsecured term loan at a fixed rate of 5.12%.
Low Credit Loss
Average credit loss of just 4 basis points since inception and minimal impact from tenant store closures.
Improved Risk Adjusted Returns
Focus on sale leaseback transactions has led to improved risk adjusted returns, with nearly 71% of ABR leased to investment-grade or investment-grade profile tenants.