Failure to comply with any applicable laws, rules, orders, regulations, codes or other requirements could subject us to litigation, regulatory actions, sanctions, fines or other penalties, as well as damage our brand and reputation. The financial services industry, within which we and many of our clients operate, is subject to extensive laws, rules and regulations at the federal and state levels, as well as by foreign governments, with some jurisdictions regulating indexes directly. These laws, rules and regulations are complex, evolve frequently and sometimes quickly and unexpectedly, and are subject to administrative interpretation and judicial construction in ways that are difficult to predict, and could materially adversely affect our business and our clients' businesses. Uncertainty caused by political change globally heightens regulatory uncertainty. Additionally, we may be required to comply with multiple and potentially conflicting laws, rules or regulations in various jurisdictions, which could, individually or in the aggregate, result in materially higher compliance costs to us. It is possible that laws, rules or regulations could cause us to restrict or change the way we license and price our products and services across our offerings, including if data or information from one offering is used in another offering, or could impose additional costs on us. In addition, various government and regulatory bodies from time to time may make inquiries and conduct investigations into our compliance with applicable laws and regulations and our business practices, including those related to our regulated activities and other matters.
Changes to the laws, rules and regulations applicable to our clients could limit our clients' ability to use our products and services or could otherwise impact our clients' demand for our products and services. As such, to the extent that our clients become subject to certain laws, rules or regulations, we may incur higher costs in connection with modifying our products or services. To the extent that we rely on our clients and vendors to provide data for our products and services and certain laws, rules or regulations impact our clients' and vendors' ability or willingness to provide that data to us or regulate the fees for which such data can be provided, our ability to continue to produce our products and services or the related costs could be negatively impacted.
The regulations and regulatory developments that most significantly impact us are described below:
- Regulation Affecting Benchmarks. Compliance efforts associated with regulations affecting benchmarks or their uses and any related technical standards and guidance could have a negative impact on our business and results of operations. In particular, compliance requirements could lead to a change in our business practices, product offerings or our ability to offer indexes in certain jurisdictions, including the EU, including without limitation, by increasing our costs of doing business, including direct costs paid to regulators, diminishing our intellectual property rights, impacting the fees we can charge for our indexes, imposing constraints on our ability to meet contractual commitments to our data providers, imposing constraints on how we offer our products or causing our data providers to refuse to provide data to us, any of which could have a material adverse effect on our index products.
For example, the benchmark industry is subject to regulations in the EU, such as the EU Benchmark Regulation ("EU BMR"), and in the UK. The benchmark industry is also subject to increased scrutiny and potential new or increased regulation in various other jurisdictions. Additionally, the European Securities and Markets Authority ("ESMA") issues guidance from time to time regarding interpretations of the EU BMR. The ESMA Guidelines on ETFs and other UCITS Issues limit the types of indexes that can be used as the basis of Undertakings for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities ("UCITS") funds and require, among other things, index constituents, together with their respective weightings, to be made easily accessible free of charge, such as via the internet, to investors and prospective investors on a delayed and periodic basis. The International Organization of Securities Commissions ("IOSCO") recommends that benchmark administrators, on a voluntary basis, publicly disclose whether they comply with the principles for financial benchmarks published by IOSCO. Other jurisdictions have also indicated they may consider potential benchmark regulation or conduct reviews of the benchmark industry. For instance, the UK FCA launched a market study into how competition is working in the markets for benchmarks and indices. In addition, in October 2023, the EU Commission published a proposal for a regulation to amend the EU BMR. The Commission proposes that the scope of the EU BMR should be limited to qualifying benchmarks. Under the proposal, only administrators of these qualifying benchmarks would continue to be subject to the EU BMR. The heightened attention and scrutiny on benchmarks and index providers by regulators, policymakers and the media in the EU, the U.S. and other jurisdictions around the world could also result in negative publicity or comments about the role or influence of our company or the index industry generally, which could harm our reputation and credibility.
Further, laws, rules, regulations and orders affecting users of our indexes can have an indirect impact on our indexes, including their construction and composition, such as sanctions that prohibit users of our indexes from investing or transacting in securities included in our indexes.
- ESG Ratings. In June 2023, the European Commission published a proposal for regulation on the transparency and integrity of ESG rating activities, potentially requiring market participants providing ESG ratings to become authorized and supervised by ESMA, and we expect some of our ESG products to be in scope for the developing regulation. In addition, in July 2023, the Securities and Exchange Board of India ("SEBI") finalized regulation governing the provision of qualifying ESG ratings, with providers required to register with SEBI and meet certain minimum requirements. A number of other countries, including the UK, Japan, Hong Kong SAR and Singapore, have completed, or are in the process of developing, legislation and/or codes of conduct for ESG rating and data providers. IOSCO has also asked regulators to consider focusing more attention on the use of ESG ratings and data products. Regulatory regimes or initiatives relating to ESG ratings and data providers could impose significant compliance burdens and costs on our ESG and Climate products and services. Furthermore, regulation in multiple jurisdictions may be inconsistent, which could create implementation challenges and result in inadvertent noncompliance.
- Data Privacy Legislation. Laws, regulations, standards or contractual obligations relating to privacy or data collection and use affect our ability to collect, manage, aggregate, store, transfer, use and otherwise process personal data and other information. We operate in an environment in which there are different and potentially conflicting privacy or data collection laws and regulations in effect in the various U.S. states and foreign jurisdictions in which we operate, and we must understand and comply with each law and standard in each of these jurisdictions while ensuring the data is secure. Global laws in this area are rapidly increasing in the scale and depth of their requirements and are also often extra-territorial in nature. In addition, a wide range of regulators and private actors are seeking to enforce these laws across regions and borders. Furthermore, we frequently have privacy compliance requirements as a result of our contractual obligations with counterparties. There could also be a material adverse impact on our direct marketing due to the enactment of new legislation or regulation, or simply a change in practices, arising from public concern over privacy issues. Restrictions or bans could be placed, or penalties could be levied, relating to the collection, management, aggregation, storage, transfer, use and other processing of information that is currently legally available, in which case our costs related to handling information could increase materially.
- Investment Advisers Act. Except with respect to certain products provided by MSCI ESG Research LLC and certain of its designated foreign affiliates, we believe our products and services do not constitute or provide investment advice as contemplated by the Advisers Act. See Part I, Item 1. "Business-Government Regulation" above. The Advisers Act imposes fiduciary duties, recordkeeping and reporting requirements, disclosure requirements, limitations on agency and principal transactions between an adviser and advisory clients, as well as general anti-fraud prohibitions. Future developments in our product lines or changes to current laws, rules, regulations or interpretations could cause this status to change, requiring other entities in our corporate family to register as investment advisers under the Advisers Act or comply with similar laws or requirements in states or foreign jurisdictions. In the U.S., the SEC has sought public comment on the role of certain third-party information providers to the asset management industry, including index providers and model providers, and whether, under particular facts and circumstances, information providers are acting as investment advisers under the Advisers Act. The specific questions in the SEC's request for comment demonstrate that the SEC is considering whether, and to what extent, information providers, including index providers, should register as investment advisers and be subject to all aspects of the Advisers Act. The SEC's request for comment is far-reaching and could lead to regulation pursuant to the Advisers Act or other framework. If our index business were to be deemed an investment adviser, we could be deemed a fiduciary to our clients, increasing the costs and complexity of our business. In addition, aspects of this regulatory framework may be at odds with our obligations under other benchmark regulations. The SEC has also proposed a rule that would prohibit SEC-registered investment advisers from outsourcing certain services or functions to service providers that do not meet minimum requirements. This proposed rule would impose on investment advisers due diligence, monitoring and record-keeping requirements of their service providers, and index providers, among others, are identified as service providers that could fall within the scope of the proposed requirements. This proposed rule could therefore impose additional requirements on our business.
- Brexit. The United Kingdom ("UK") exited the European Union ("EU") on January 31, 2020 (commonly referred to as "Brexit") and the UK's membership in the EU single market ended on December 31, 2020. One of our subsidiaries is authorized as a UK benchmark administrator regulated by the UK FCA, we have significant operations in the EU and certain members of our senior management team are based in the UK. As a result, uncertainties related to Brexit and the new relationship between the UK and EU, potential changes in EU regulation, divergent interpretations by the UK of any replicated EU laws or additional regulation in the UK could increase our costs of doing business, or in some cases, affect our ability to do business, which could have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition or results of operations. Specifically, the EU BMR currently provides for a transition period until December 31, 2025, allowing EU supervised entities to continue to utilize benchmarks provided by non-EU administrators. The UK Benchmarks Regulation currently provides a transitional period for third-country benchmarks to December 31, 2030 allowing UK supervised entities to continue to utilize benchmarks provided by non-UK administrators.
Our ability to comply with applicable laws and regulations depends upon the maintenance of an effective compliance system which can be time consuming and costly, as well as our ability to attract and retain qualified compliance personnel. In some instances, in connection with the provision of data and services, we have incurred additional costs to implement processes and systems at the request of our clients to ensure that the products and services that they in turn provide to their clients using our data are compliant with the financial regulations to which our clients may be subject. For example, a U.S. Executive Order prohibiting many of our clients from transacting in the securities of certain Chinese companies resulted in our decision to remove these companies from relevant indexes in order to support our clients' needs that our indexes meet their objective to be replicable in investment portfolios. To the extent that our clients are subject to increased regulation, we may be indirectly impacted and could incur increased costs that could have a negative impact on the profitability of certain products.
Additionally, there has been increased attention on and scrutiny of index providers and ESG ratings and data providers by politicians, regulators, policymakers and the media, which could create negative publicity that could harm our reputation or credibility as well as result in new or additional regulation that could increase our costs and have a negative impact on our business, financial condition or results of operations. For instance, in July 2023, we received a letter from a Select Committee of the U.S. House of Representatives, asking us to respond to a range of questions regarding MSCI indexes that include securities of Chinese companies. Additional scrutiny or regulatory action could have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition or results of operations.