M-tron Industries Inc (MPTI)
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M-tron Industries Inc (MPTI) Stock Price & Analysis


MPTI Stock Chart & Stats



Ownership Overview

19.61% Insiders
11.81% Other Institutional Investors
58.45% Public Companies and
Individual Investors

Risk Analysis

Main Risk Category
Finance & CorporateFinancial and accounting risks. Risks related to the execution of corporate activity and strategy


What was M-tron Industries Inc’s price range in the past 12 months?
M-tron Industries Inc lowest stock price was $23.00 and its highest was $71.10 in the past 12 months.
    What is M-tron Industries Inc’s market cap?
    Currently, no data Available
    When is M-tron Industries Inc’s upcoming earnings report date?
    M-tron Industries Inc’s upcoming earnings report date is Mar 26, 2025 which is in 94 days.
      How were M-tron Industries Inc’s earnings last quarter?
      M-tron Industries Inc released its earnings results on Nov 13, 2024. The company reported $0.81 earnings per share for the quarter, beating the consensus estimate of $0.54 by $0.27.
        Is M-tron Industries Inc overvalued?
        According to Wall Street analysts M-tron Industries Inc’s price is currently Overvalued. Get more investment ideas with TipRanks Premium
          Does M-tron Industries Inc pay dividends?
          M-tron Industries Inc does not currently pay dividends.
          What is M-tron Industries Inc’s EPS estimate?
          M-tron Industries Inc’s EPS estimate is $0.5.
            How many shares outstanding does M-tron Industries Inc have?
            M-tron Industries Inc has 2,865,849 shares outstanding.
              What happened to M-tron Industries Inc’s price movement after its last earnings report?
              M-tron Industries Inc reported an EPS of $0.81 in its last earnings report, beating expectations of $0.54. Following the earnings report the stock price went up 11.314%.
                Which hedge fund is a major shareholder of M-tron Industries Inc?
                Among the largest hedge funds holding M-tron Industries Inc’s share is Gamco Investors, Inc. ET AL. It holds M-tron Industries Inc’s shares valued at 7M.

                  Company Description

                  M-tron Industries Inc

                  M-Tron Industries Inc is a diversified holding company with subsidiaries engaged in the design, manufacturing and marketing of highly-engineered, high reliability frequency and spectrum control products used to control the frequency or timing of signals in electronic circuits. It offers a wide range of products such as microwave and millimeter wave filters; cavity, crystal, ceramic, lumped element and switched filters; crystal resonators, integrated microwave assemblies and state-of-the-art solid state power amplifier products.

                  MPTI Earnings Call

                  Q3 2024
                  0:00 / 0:00
                  Earnings Call Sentiment|Positive
                  The earnings call reflected a strongly positive sentiment, highlighting significant revenue growth, improved margins, and increased net income. Although there was a noted decrease in backlog, the company's raised revenue guidance and robust performance in defense-related sales underscore a positive outlook.Read More>
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