Loan Origination and Asset Quality Improvement
In Q3 2024, loan originations reached RMB 51 billion, with an outstanding loan balance of RMB 111.3 billion. The quality of new loans improved, with a decrease in FPD7 by 13% and a reduction in the day 1 delinquency ratio by 9% compared to the previous quarter.
Profitability and Net Profit Growth
Net profit reached RMB 310 million, a 36.7% increase quarter-over-quarter. The net profit margin was 8.45%, up by 223 basis points due to improved asset quality and reduced risk levels.
Record Low Funding Costs
The funding cost reached a new historical low of 4.28%, nearly 100 basis points lower than Q2. This was achieved through partnerships with national financial institutions, reflecting increased confidence in the company's assets.
Customer Acquisition Efficiency
The number of new users with approved credit lines increased by 44% from Q2, while the acquisition cost for these users dropped by 35%.
Dividend Payout Increase
The company plans to raise its dividend payout ratio from 20% to 25% of net profit starting in 2025.