Increased Net Sales and Profits
Net sales were JPY 301.1 billion, up 1.7% year-on-year. Core operating income was JPY 18.6 billion, an increase of JPY 6 billion year-on-year.
EBITDA was JPY 32.5 billion, up JPY 6.4 billion year-on-year, with an EBITDA margin increase of 2 percentage points to 10.8%.
Price Revision and Profit Structure Reform
Price revisions led to JPY 2.8 billion in increased profits. The company plans to achieve JPY 4 billion in price revisions by the end of the year.
Overseas Business Performance
Double-digit growth in overseas sales. Thailand grew 1.1%, Malaysia 8.2%, China 9.2%, and South Korea 5.2% in local currency terms.
Partnership with Japan Activation Capital
Announced a partnership with Japan Activation Capital to support management policy strategy and enhance execution speed.