Strauss (IL:STRS)
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Strauss Group (STRS) Stock Price & Analysis


STRS Stock Chart & Stats


What was Strauss’s price range in the past 12 months?
Strauss lowest stock price was 53.66 and its highest was 75.21 in the past 12 months.
    What is Strauss’s market cap?
    Strauss’s market cap is $8.38B.
      When is Strauss’s upcoming earnings report date?
      Strauss’s upcoming earnings report date is Mar 19, 2025 which is in 45 days.
        How were Strauss’s earnings last quarter?
        Strauss released its earnings results on Nov 25, 2024. The company reported 0.88 earnings per share for the quarter, missing the consensus estimate of 1.18 by -0.3.
          Is Strauss overvalued?
          According to Wall Street analysts Strauss’s price is currently Undervalued. Get more investment ideas with TipRanks Premium
            Does Strauss pay dividends?
            Strauss pays a Notavailable dividend of 2.316 which represents an annual dividend yield of 2.94%. See more information on Strauss dividends here
              What is Strauss’s EPS estimate?
              Strauss’s EPS estimate is 3.98.
                How many shares outstanding does Strauss have?
                Strauss has 116,565,380 shares outstanding.
                  What happened to Strauss’s price movement after its last earnings report?
                  Strauss reported an EPS of 0.88 in its last earnings report, missing expectations of 1.18. Following the earnings report the stock price went up 5.264%.
                    Which hedge fund is a major shareholder of Strauss?
                    Currently, no hedge funds are holding shares in IL:STRS

                    Company Description


                    Strauss Group Ltd. engages in the development, manufacture, marketing and sale of a variety of branded food and beverage products. It is also active in the development, marketing, servicing and sale of water filtration and purification products for home and office use. The company operates through the following segments: Health & Wellness, Fun & Indulgence, Israel Coffee, International Coffee, International Dips & Spreads, and Other Operations. The Health & Wellness segment provides yogurts, dairy desserts, soft cheeses, flavored milk beverages, refrigerated salads, cut vegetables, fresh pasta products, cereal and granola bars, honey products, olive oil, fruit preserves, cooking sauces, lemon juices and natural maple syrup. Additionally, it sells and distributes natural juices, tomato products and canned vegetables products. The Fun & Indulgence segment provides sweet snack bars, chocolate tablets, sweet spreads, candies, chewing gum, cakes and cookies, biscuits, wafers and salty snacks. The Israel Coffee segment develops, manufactures, sells, markets and distributes coffee products in Israel. In addition, the group manufactures and sells chocolate powders and other drink powders. The International Coffee segment develops and manufactures coffee products and drink powders in Brazil, Russia and Eastern European countries. The International Dips & Spreads segment develops, manufactures, markets and sells refrigerated dips and spreads in the U.S. and Canada under the Sabra and Santa Barbara brands and through Obela brand in Mexico, Australia and New Zealand and Copperpot, and in Western Europe. The Other Operations segment develops, manufactures, sells, markets and distributes drinking water filtration, purification and carbonation devices. The company was founded on September 10, 1933 and is headquartered in Petach Tikva, Israel.

                    STRS Company Deck


                    STRS Earnings Call

                    Q3 2024
                    0:00 / 0:00
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