Hamilton Beach Brands Holding Company (HBB)
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Hamilton Beach Brands Holding Company (HBB) Stock Price & Analysis


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Risk Analysis

Main Risk Category
Legal & RegulatoryLitigation, compliance, new legislation, and taxation risks

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What was Hamilton Beach Brands Holding Company’s price range in the past 12 months?
Hamilton Beach Brands Holding Company lowest stock price was $14.34 and its highest was $31.78 in the past 12 months.
    What is Hamilton Beach Brands Holding Company’s market cap?
    Currently, no data Available
    When is Hamilton Beach Brands Holding Company’s upcoming earnings report date?
    Hamilton Beach Brands Holding Company’s upcoming earnings report date is Mar 05, 2025 which is in 73 days.
      How were Hamilton Beach Brands Holding Company’s earnings last quarter?
      Hamilton Beach Brands Holding Company released its earnings results on Oct 30, 2024. The company reported $0.14 earnings per share for the quarter, beating the consensus estimate of N/A by $0.14.
        Is Hamilton Beach Brands Holding Company overvalued?
        According to Wall Street analysts Hamilton Beach Brands Holding Company’s price is currently Overvalued. Get more investment ideas with TipRanks Premium
          Does Hamilton Beach Brands Holding Company pay dividends?
          Hamilton Beach Brands Holding Company pays a Quarterly dividend of $0.115 which represents an annual dividend yield of 2.75%. See more information on Hamilton Beach Brands Holding Company dividends here
            What is Hamilton Beach Brands Holding Company’s EPS estimate?
            Hamilton Beach Brands Holding Company’s EPS estimate for its next earnings report is not yet available.
            How many shares outstanding does Hamilton Beach Brands Holding Company have?
            Hamilton Beach Brands Holding Company has 10,098,373 shares outstanding.
              What happened to Hamilton Beach Brands Holding Company’s price movement after its last earnings report?
              Hamilton Beach Brands Holding Company reported an EPS of $0.14 in its last earnings report, beating expectations of N/A. Following the earnings report the stock price went down -10.837%.
                Which hedge fund is a major shareholder of Hamilton Beach Brands Holding Company?
                Among the largest hedge funds holding Hamilton Beach Brands Holding Company’s share is Third Avenue Management LLC. It holds Hamilton Beach Brands Holding Company’s shares valued at 10M.

                  Hamilton Beach Brands Holding Company Stock Smart Score

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                  20 days / 200 days


                  Return on Equity
                  Trailing 12-Months
                  Asset Growth
                  Trailing 12-Months

                  Company Description

                  Hamilton Beach Brands Holding Company

                  Hamilton Beach Brands Holding Co. is a holding company, which engages in designing, marketing and distribution of branded small electric household and specialty housewares appliances, as well as commercial products for restaurants, fast food chains, bars and hotels. Its consumer brands include Hamilton Beach, Proctor Silex, Hamilton Beach Professional, Weston field-to-table and farm-to-table food preparation equipment, TrueAir air purifiers, and Brightline sonic rechargeable toothbrushes. The firms licenses the brands for Wolf Gourmet countertop appliances and CHI premium garment care products. Its commercial brands include Hamilton Beach Commercial and Proctor Silex Commercial. The company is founded in 1988 and is headquartered in Glen Allen, VA.

                  HBB Earnings Call

                  Q3 2024
                  0:00 / 0:00
                  Earnings Call Sentiment|Positive
                  The earnings call highlighted strong revenue growth, gross profit margin expansion, and strategic initiatives in premium and commercial markets. However, increased SG&A expenses and challenges in international markets posed some concerns. Despite these, the overall outlook remains positive with expectations of continued growth and profitability.Read More>
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