Grupo Comercial Chedraui SAB de CV Class B (GCHEF)
Grupo Comercial Chedraui SAB de CV

Grupo Comercial Chedraui SAB de CV (GCHEF) Price & Analysis


GCHEF Stock Chart & Stats





What was Grupo Comercial Chedraui SAB de CV Class B’s price range in the past 12 months?
Grupo Comercial Chedraui SAB de CV Class B lowest stock price was $5.60 and its highest was $8.27 in the past 12 months.
    What is Grupo Comercial Chedraui SAB de CV Class B’s market cap?
    Grupo Comercial Chedraui SAB de CV Class B’s market cap is $5.83B.
      When is Grupo Comercial Chedraui SAB de CV Class B’s upcoming earnings report date?
      Grupo Comercial Chedraui SAB de CV Class B’s upcoming earnings report date is Apr 29, 2025 which is in 66 days.
        How were Grupo Comercial Chedraui SAB de CV Class B’s earnings last quarter?
        Grupo Comercial Chedraui SAB de CV Class B released its earnings results on Feb 19, 2025. The company reported $0.072 earnings per share for the quarter, beating the consensus estimate of N/A by $0.072.
          Is Grupo Comercial Chedraui SAB de CV Class B overvalued?
          According to Wall Street analysts Grupo Comercial Chedraui SAB de CV Class B’s price is currently Overvalued. Get more investment ideas with TipRanks Premium
            Does Grupo Comercial Chedraui SAB de CV Class B pay dividends?
            Grupo Comercial Chedraui SAB de CV Class B pays a Annually dividend of $0.121 which represents an annual dividend yield of 1.17%. See more information on Grupo Comercial Chedraui SAB de CV Class B dividends here
              What is Grupo Comercial Chedraui SAB de CV Class B’s EPS estimate?
              Grupo Comercial Chedraui SAB de CV Class B’s EPS estimate for its next earnings report is not yet available.
              How many shares outstanding does Grupo Comercial Chedraui SAB de CV Class B have?
              Grupo Comercial Chedraui SAB de CV Class B has 960,034,240 shares outstanding.
                What happened to Grupo Comercial Chedraui SAB de CV Class B’s price movement after its last earnings report?
                Grupo Comercial Chedraui SAB de CV Class B reported an EPS of $0.072 in its last earnings report, beating expectations of N/A. Following the earnings report the stock price went down -4.778%.
                  Which hedge fund is a major shareholder of Grupo Comercial Chedraui SAB de CV Class B?
                  Currently, no hedge funds are holding shares in GCHEF

                  Company Description

                  Grupo Comercial Chedraui SAB de CV Class B

                  Grupo Comercial Chedraui SAB de CV is a Spanish company engaged in the operation of hypermarkets in Mexico and supermarkets in the United States, and it also has a real estate division. In Mexico, the company operates through two retail formats: Tiendas Chedraui and Super Chedraui, which represent different sizes and depth of assortment. The retail stores in the U.S. are located in three southwest states: California, Nevada, and Arizona. The real estate division is involved in locating, building, and remodelling the stores, as well as leasing commercial space in shopping malls where there are Chedraui stores.

                  GCHEF Company Deck


                  GCHEF Earnings Call

                  Q4 2025
                  0:00 / 0:00
                  Earnings Call Sentiment|Neutral
                  The earnings call highlighted strong same-store sales growth in both Mexico and the U.S., along with strategic investments in a new distribution center to drive future efficiencies. However, there were challenges due to duplicate supply chain costs and lower-than-expected performance at Smart & Final. Despite these issues, the company maintains confidence in its strategic initiatives to improve profitability.Read More>
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