Rosebank Industries Plc (GB:ROSE)
UK Market

Rosebank Industries Plc (ROSE) Price & Analysis


ROSE Stock Chart & Stats





What was Rosebank Industries Plc’s price range in the past 12 months?
Rosebank Industries Plc lowest share price was 345.00p and its highest was 920.00p in the past 12 months.
    What is Rosebank Industries Plc’s market cap?
    Currently, no data Available
    When is Rosebank Industries Plc’s upcoming earnings report date?
    The company’s upcoming earnings report date is not yet available.
    How were Rosebank Industries Plc’s earnings last quarter?
    Currently, no data Available
    Is Rosebank Industries Plc overvalued?
    According to Wall Street analysts Rosebank Industries Plc’s price is currently Overvalued. Get more investment ideas with TipRanks Premium
      Does Rosebank Industries Plc pay dividends?
      Rosebank Industries Plc does not currently pay dividends.
      What is Rosebank Industries Plc’s EPS estimate?
      Rosebank Industries Plc’s EPS estimate for its next earnings report is not yet available.
      How many shares outstanding does Rosebank Industries Plc have?
      Rosebank Industries Plc has 20,000,000 shares outstanding.
        What happened to Rosebank Industries Plc’s price movement after its last earnings report?
        Currently, no data Available
        Which hedge fund is a major shareholder of Rosebank Industries Plc?
        Currently, no hedge funds are holding shares in GB:ROSE

        Company Description

        Rosebank Industries Plc

        The Rosebank Co-Founders are previous leading members of the senior management team of Melrose, a company which is listed on the London Stock Exchange. Since being founded in 2003, Melrose created significant shareholder value through its Buy, Improve, Sell strategy, under the leadership of the Rosebank Co-Founders. With Melrose becoming a highly successful pure-play aerospace group, positioned to deliver further profitable growth, two of the three original Melrose founders and four other leading members of its senior management team now intend to recreate the same successful Buy, Improve, Sell business model which they pursued at Melrose, within Rosebank. Members of this team led all of Melroses acquisitions and the successful implementation of its strategy since its establishment in 2003. The Directors believe that Rosebank will be able to quickly identify appropriate acquisition opportunities having previously been able to do so.
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