Grit Real Estate Income Group Limited (GB:GR1T)
UK Market

Grit Real Estate Income Group Limited (GR1T) Price & Analysis


GR1T Stock Chart & Stats





What was Grit Real Estate Income Group Limited’s price range in the past 12 months?
Grit Real Estate Income Group Limited lowest share price was 8.00p and its highest was 22.00p in the past 12 months.
    What is Grit Real Estate Income Group Limited’s market cap?
    Grit Real Estate Income Group Limited’s market cap is £41.00M.
      When is Grit Real Estate Income Group Limited’s upcoming earnings report date?
      Grit Real Estate Income Group Limited’s upcoming earnings report date is Oct 24, 2025 which is in 208 days.
        How were Grit Real Estate Income Group Limited’s earnings last quarter?
        Grit Real Estate Income Group Limited released its earnings results on Feb 14, 2025. The company reported -0.04p earnings per share for the quarter, missing the consensus estimate of N/A by -0.04p.
          Is Grit Real Estate Income Group Limited overvalued?
          According to Wall Street analysts Grit Real Estate Income Group Limited’s price is currently Overvalued. Get more investment ideas with TipRanks Premium
            Does Grit Real Estate Income Group Limited pay dividends?
            Grit Real Estate Income Group Limited pays a Notavailable dividend of 1.185p which represents an annual dividend yield of 13.93%. See more information on Grit Real Estate Income Group Limited dividends here
              What is Grit Real Estate Income Group Limited’s EPS estimate?
              Grit Real Estate Income Group Limited’s EPS estimate for its next earnings report is not yet available.
              How many shares outstanding does Grit Real Estate Income Group Limited have?
              Grit Real Estate Income Group Limited has 494,845,550 shares outstanding.
                What happened to Grit Real Estate Income Group Limited’s price movement after its last earnings report?
                Grit Real Estate Income Group Limited reported an EPS of -0.04p in its last earnings report, missing expectations of N/A. Following the earnings report the stock price went same 0%.
                  Which hedge fund is a major shareholder of Grit Real Estate Income Group Limited?
                  Currently, no hedge funds are holding shares in GB:GR1T

                  Grit Real Estate Income Group Limited Stock Smart Score



                  20 days / 200 days


                  Return on Equity
                  Trailing 12-Months
                  Asset Growth
                  Trailing 12-Months

                  Company Description

                  Grit Real Estate Income Group Limited

                  Grit is listed on the London Stock Exchange main market (LSE: GR1T), the Johannesburg Stock Exchange main board (JSE: GTR) and the Stock Exchange of Mauritius Ltd official market (SEM: DEL.N0000). Grit Real Estate Income Group Limited is a leading pan-African real estate company focused on investing in and actively managing a diversified portfolio of assets in carefully selected African countries (excluding South Africa). By investing in real estate assets across Africa, the Company is building a secure financial future for schools, employees, non-profit organisations, and the like. As such, Grit is unlocking potential across the African continent in an effort to anchor communities and create sustainable jobs. The company's high-quality assets are underpinned by predominantly US$ and Euro denominated long-term leases with a wide range of blue-chip multi-national tenant covenants across a diverse range of robust property sectors. The Company is committed to delivering strong and sustainable income for shareholders, with the potential for income and capital growth. The Company is targeting 8.5%+ p.a. dividend yield in USD and 12.0%+ p.a. NAV total return.
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