Strong Return on Equity
Enstar achieved a return on equity (ROE) of 2.4% and an adjusted ROE of 2.6% in Q1 2024.
Growth in Book Value
Book value grew by 1.7%, with fully diluted book value per share increasing by 1.4% to $349.41 and $341.53, respectively.
Positive Total Investment Returns
Total investment returns amounted to $222 million, driven by $160 million of net investment income and favorable returns on noncore equity of $104 million.
Strategic Expansion with SiriusPoint
Enstar announced a loss portfolio transfer agreement with SiriusPoint, reinsuring $400 million of workers' compensation business.
Strong Capital Position
Enstar's capital and liquidity position remains strong with a group capital solvency ratio of 195% and a fully unutilized $800 million revolving credit agreement.
S&P Rating Endorsement
Cavello Bay, Enstar's primary reinsurer, received an A rating with a stable outlook from S&P, recognizing Enstar's leadership in the legacy market.