Eshallgo Inc Class A (EHGO)
US Market

Eshallgo Inc Class A (EHGO) Price & Analysis


EHGO Stock Chart & Stats





What was Eshallgo Inc Class A’s price range in the past 12 months?
Eshallgo Inc Class A lowest stock price was $0.91 and its highest was $5.50 in the past 12 months.
    What is Eshallgo Inc Class A’s market cap?
    Eshallgo Inc Class A’s market cap is $28.01M.
      When is Eshallgo Inc Class A’s upcoming earnings report date?
      The company’s upcoming earnings report date is not yet available.
      How were Eshallgo Inc Class A’s earnings last quarter?
      Currently, no data Available
      Is Eshallgo Inc Class A overvalued?
      According to Wall Street analysts Eshallgo Inc Class A’s price is currently Overvalued. Get more investment ideas with TipRanks Premium
        Does Eshallgo Inc Class A pay dividends?
        Eshallgo Inc Class A does not currently pay dividends.
        What is Eshallgo Inc Class A’s EPS estimate?
        Eshallgo Inc Class A’s EPS estimate for its next earnings report is not yet available.
        How many shares outstanding does Eshallgo Inc Class A have?
        Eshallgo Inc Class A has 19,610,000 shares outstanding.
          What happened to Eshallgo Inc Class A’s price movement after its last earnings report?
          Currently, no data Available
          Which hedge fund is a major shareholder of Eshallgo Inc Class A?
          Currently, no hedge funds are holding shares in EHGO

          Company Description

          Eshallgo Inc Class A

          Eshallgos variable interest entity and operating company, Junzhang Shanghai, is an authorized distributor of major brands of office equipment, including HP, Epson, Xerox, Sharp, Toshiba, Konica, Kyocera and other brands. Over the years, our business has expanded to encompass all other supplies offices may require, such as office furniture, IT products, water dispensers, printing paper, among many others. We also provide maintenance with Enterprise Resource Planning systems we developed on our own. Our office total solution systems bring efficiency and convenience in the office. Our management believes that we have become one of the leading suppliers of office equipment for both private and public sector businesses as well as for large enterprises and institutions such as Ping An Insurance, Taiping Life, Centaline Property, Debon Securities, Tongce Real Estate, among others, and we have developed an e-commerce platform for all types of offices.
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