BRC Asia Limited (DE:BRGA)
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BRC Asia Limited (BRGA) Stock Price & Analysis


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Bulls Say, Bears Say

Bulls Say
Dividend GrowthHigher dividends and payout ratio were declared, with a total dividend for FY24 increasing by 25% compared to FY23.
Earnings GrowthBRC is expected to see stronger earnings growth due to increased movement in project executions and a robust pipeline.
Revenue GrowthBRC Asia's order book is at S$1.4bn, one of the highest amounts recorded by the group, indicating strong future revenue potential.
Bears Say
Financial Performance9MFY24 financial performance fell short of expectations, with revenue at S$1,140m (-3.1% yoy) and core net profit at S$56.1m.
Operational Challenges3QFY24 saw a fall in core net profit of S$17.6m (-22% yoy) due to a shortage of engineering resources and inspection delays.
Revenue ImpactBRC Asia's revenue is closely correlated to steel rebar prices, which have declined by an estimated 10% YoY, impacting revenue negatively.

Options Prices

Currently, No data available

Ownership Overview

― Other Institutional Investors
99.95% Public Companies and
Individual Investors


What was BRC Asia Limited’s price range in the past 12 months?
Currently, no data Available
What is BRC Asia Limited’s market cap?
Currently, no data Available
When is BRC Asia Limited’s upcoming earnings report date?
BRC Asia Limited’s upcoming earnings report date is May 07, 2025 which is in 136 days.
    How were BRC Asia Limited’s earnings last quarter?
    BRC Asia Limited released its earnings results on Nov 21, 2024. The company reported €0.141 earnings per share for the quarter, beating the consensus estimate of N/A by €0.141.
      Is BRC Asia Limited overvalued?
      According to Wall Street analysts BRC Asia Limited’s price is currently Undervalued. Get more investment ideas with TipRanks Premium
        Does BRC Asia Limited pay dividends?
        BRC Asia Limited pays a Annually dividend of €0.042 which represents an annual dividend yield of N/A. See more information on BRC Asia Limited dividends here
          What is BRC Asia Limited’s EPS estimate?
          BRC Asia Limited’s EPS estimate for its next earnings report is not yet available.
          How many shares outstanding does BRC Asia Limited have?
          BRC Asia Limited has 275,976,680 shares outstanding.
            What happened to BRC Asia Limited’s price movement after its last earnings report?
            BRC Asia Limited reported an EPS of €0.141 in its last earnings report, beating expectations of N/A. Following the earnings report the stock price went same N/A.
              Which hedge fund is a major shareholder of BRC Asia Limited?
              Currently, no hedge funds are holding shares in DE:BRGA

              BRC Asia Limited Stock Smart Score

              BRGA Stock 12 Month Forecast

              Average Price Target


              Best Analysts Covering BRGA

              1 Year
              Yik Ban ChongPhillip Securities
              1 Year Success Rate
              0/0 ratings generated profit
              1 Year Average Return
              reiterated a buy rating 25 days ago
              Copying Yik Ban Chong's trades and holding each position for 1 Year would result in 0.00% of your transactions generating a profit, with an average return of 0.00% per trade.
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