Daktronics (DAKT)
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Daktronics (DAKT) Stock Price & Analysis


DAKT Stock Chart & Stats



Ownership Overview

26.25% Other Institutional Investors
29.17% Public Companies and
Individual Investors

Risk Analysis

Main Risk Category
Finance & CorporateFinancial and accounting risks. Risks related to the execution of corporate activity and strategy

Website Traffic

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There is no website visitor data available for this stock.


What was Daktronics’s price range in the past 12 months?
Daktronics lowest stock price was $7.20 and its highest was $19.89 in the past 12 months.
    What is Daktronics’s market cap?
    Currently, no data Available
    When is Daktronics’s upcoming earnings report date?
    Daktronics’s upcoming earnings report date is Feb 26, 2025 which is in 67 days.
      How were Daktronics’s earnings last quarter?
      Daktronics released its earnings results on Dec 04, 2024. The company reported $0.22 earnings per share for the quarter, beating the consensus estimate of $0.17 by $0.05.
        Is Daktronics overvalued?
        According to Wall Street analysts Daktronics’s price is currently Overvalued. Get more investment ideas with TipRanks Premium
          Does Daktronics pay dividends?
          Daktronics pays a Quarterly dividend of $0.05 which represents an annual dividend yield of N/A. See more information on Daktronics dividends here
            What is Daktronics’s EPS estimate?
            Daktronics’s EPS estimate is $0.08.
              How many shares outstanding does Daktronics have?
              Daktronics has 46,986,282 shares outstanding.
                What happened to Daktronics’s price movement after its last earnings report?
                Daktronics reported an EPS of $0.22 in its last earnings report, beating expectations of $0.17. Following the earnings report the stock price went up 15.86%.
                  Which hedge fund is a major shareholder of Daktronics?
                  Among the largest hedge funds holding Daktronics’s share is Duquesne Family Office LLC. It holds Daktronics’s shares valued at 33M.

                    Company Description


                    Daktronics, Inc. engages in the design, manufacture and sale computer-programmable information display systems. It operates through the following segments: Commercial, Live Events, High School Park and Recreation, Transportation, and International. The Commercial segment sells video, Galaxy and Fuelight product lines to resellers, outdoor advertisers, national retailers, quick-serve restaurants, casinos, and petroleum retailers. The Live Events segment provides scoring and video display systems to college and professional sports facilities and convention centers. The High School Park and Recreation segment engages in the sale of scoring systems, Galaxy displays, and video display systems to primary and secondary education facilities. The Transportation segment consists of sales of Vanguard, and Galaxy product lines to governmental transportation departments, airlines, and other transportation related customers. The International segment is composed of sales of all product lines outside the United States, and Canada. The company was founded by Aelred J. Kurtenbach and Duane E. Sander in 1968 and is headquartered in Brookings, SD.

                    DAKT Company Deck


                    DAKT Earnings Call

                    Q2 2024
                    0:00 / 0:00
                    Earnings Call Sentiment|Neutral
                    The earnings call reflected a positive outlook with strong cash flow, revenue growth, and strategic initiatives underway. However, challenges remain in the form of order declines in key segments and consulting expenses impacting margins.Read More>
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