Consorcio ARA SAB de CV (CNRFF)
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Consorcio ARA SAB de CV (CNRFF) Earnings Date & Reports


Earnings Data

Report Date
Oct 22, 2024
After Close Not Confirmed
Period Ending
2024 (Q3)
Consensus EPS Forecast
Last Year’s EPS
Same Quarter Last Year
Based on 0 Analysts Ratings

Consorcio ARA SAB de CV (CNRFF) Earnings, Revenues Date & History

The upcoming earnings date is based on a company’s previous reporting, and may be updated when the actual date is announced

CNRFF Earnings History

Report Date
Fiscal Quarter
Forecast / EPS
Last Year's EPS
EPS YoY Change
Press Release
Play Transcript
Oct 22, 20242024 (Q3)
- / -
Jul 23, 20242024 (Q2)
- / <0.01
0.00812.50% (<+0.01)
Apr 23, 20242024 (Q1)
- / <0.01
0.0070.00% (0.00)
Feb 20, 20242023 (Q4)
- / <0.01
0.008-12.50% (>-0.01)
Oct 19, 20232023 (Q3)
- / <0.01
0.00650.00% (<+0.01)
Jul 19, 20232023 (Q2)
- / <0.01
0.00633.33% (<+0.01)
Apr 20, 20232023 (Q1)
- / <0.01
0.00540.00% (<+0.01)
Feb 21, 20232022 (Q4)
- / <0.01
0.00560.00% (<+0.01)
Oct 20, 20222022 (Q3)
- / <0.01
0.0060.00% (0.00)
Jul 21, 20222022 (Q2)
- / <0.01
0.0060.00% (0.00)
The table shows recent earnings report dates and whether the forecast was beat or missed. See the change in forecast and EPS from the previous year.

CNRFF Earnings-Related Price Changes

Report Date
Price 1 Day Before
Price 1 Day After
Percentage Change
Jul 23, 2024$0.16$0.160.00%
Apr 23, 2024$0.20$0.19-5.00%
Feb 20, 2024$0.21$0.210.00%
Oct 19, 2023$0.21$0.210.00%
Earnings announcements can affect a stock’s price. This table shows the stock's price the day before and the day after recent earnings reports, including the percentage change.


When does Consorcio ARA SAB de CV (CNRFF) report earnings?
Consorcio ARA SAB de CV (CNRFF) is schdueled to report earning on Oct 22, 2024, After Close Not Confirmed.
    What is Consorcio ARA SAB de CV (CNRFF) earnings time?
    Consorcio ARA SAB de CV (CNRFF) earnings time is at Oct 22, 2024, After Close Not Confirmed.
      Where can I see when companies are reporting earnings?
      You can see which companies are reporting today on our designated earnings calendar.
        What companies are reporting earnings today?
        You can see a list of the companies which are reporting today on TipRanks earnings calendar.
          What is CNRFF EPS forecast?
          Currently, no data Available
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