Thecurrent COVID-19 pandemic has presented and continues to present asubstantial public health and economicchallengearound theworld and isaffectingouremployees,communitiesand business operations,as wellas the globaleconomy and financialmarkets. The human and economicconsequences of theCOVID-19 pandemicas wellas themeasures taken or that may betaken in thefuture by governments, businesses (includingtheCompany and oursuppliers, bottlers/distributors,co-packersand otherservice providers)and the publicat largeto limit theCOVID-19 pandemic, haveandwill directly and indirectly impact our businessand results of operations, including, without limitation, thefollowing: •We haveexperienced some decreases in sales of our products in various distribution channels that have been affected by theCOVID-19 pandemic, such as health and fitnessclubs. While some of therestrictions imposed asaresult of theinitial COVID-19 outbreak have been lifted oreased inmany jurisdictionsas therates of COVID-19 infections have decreased or stabilized, resurgence of theCOVID-19 pandemicin somemarkets has slowed or reversed thereopeningprocess,andmarketsaremovingthrough varyingstages of restrictionsand reopeningat different times. However, we haverecently seen aresurgence of theCOVID-19 pandemicin theNorthernHemispherewhilecases in the SouthernHemispherecontinueto rise. Asaresult,a number ofcountries, particularly in EMEA, havereinstituted lockdownsand other restrictions, which could further impact customer demand. If theCOVID-19 pandemicand related unfavorableeconomicconditionscontinueto intensify, the negativeimpact on oursales, includingour newproduct innovation launches,could be prolonged andmay becomemore severe. •Deterioratingeconomicconditionsand continued financial uncertainties inmany of ourmajormarkets dueto theCOVID-19 pandemic, such as increased and prolonged unemployment, decreases in percapitaincomeand thelevel of disposableincome, declines in consumerconfidence, oreconomicslowdowns or recessions,could affect consumer purchasingpowerand consumers’ability to purchase our products, thereby reducingdemand for our products. In addition, publicconcern amongconsumers regardingtherisk ofcontractingCOVID-19may also reduce demand for our products. •Theclosures of,and continued restrictions on, on-premiseretailersand otherestablishments that sell our productsasaresult of theCOVID-19 pandemic haveadversely impacted andmay continueto adversely impact oursalesand results of operations. •Ouradvertising, marketing, promotional, sponsorship and endorsement activities have been,andwillcontinueto be, disrupted by reduced opportunities forsuch activities duetomeasures taken to limit thespread of theCOVID-19 pandemicand thecancellations of or reduced capacity at sportingevents,concertsand otherevents may result in decreased demand for our products. Our product samplingprograms, which are part of ourstrategy to develop brand awareness, have been,andwillcontinueto be, disrupted by theCOVID-19 pandemic. If weare unableto successfully adapt to thechanginglandscape ofadvertising, marketing, promotional, sponsorship and endorsement opportunitiescreated by theCOVID-19 pandemic, oursales, market share, volume growth and overall financial resultscould be negatively affected. •Our innovation activities, includingourability to introduce newproducts in certainmarkets, have been delayed and/oradversely impacted by theCOVID-19 pandemic. Ifsuch innovation activitiesare disrupted andwecontinueto delay thelaunch of newproductsand/or weare unableto securesufficient distribution levels forsuch newproducts, our businessand results of operationscould beadversely affected. •Some of oursuppliers, bottlers/distributorsand co-packers may experience plant closures, production slowdownsand disruptions in operationsasaresult of theimpact of theCOVID-19 pandemic. Thiscould result in a disruption to our operations. •Wemay experience delays in receivingcertain rawmaterialsasaresult ofshippingdelays dueto,amongother things,additionalsafety requirements imposed by port authorities,closures of, orcongestion at ports, reduced availability ofcommercial transportation, border restrictionsand capacity constraints. •Dueto increased demand in at-homeconsumption, thefunctionalenergy drink and liquid supplement industries haveexperienced someshortages ofaluminumcans. However, we have been ableto secureadequatesupply and have not experienced significant adverseeffects on our business, operationsand financialcondition fromsuch shortage, however weare unableto accurately predict howthis might change. •Asaresult of theCOVID-19 pandemic, includingrelated governmentalmeasures, restrictions, directivesand guidance, many of our office-based employees haveworked remotely. Wemay experiencereductions in productivity and disruptions to our business routines while our remotework policy remains in place. If ouremployees workingremotely do not maintain appropriatemeasures tomitigate potential risks to our technology and operations frominformation technology-related disruptions, wemay facecybersecurity threats. Employees of our third-party service providers who areworkingremotely, withwhomwemay share data,aresubject to similarcybersecurity risks. •Governmentalauthoritiesat theU.S. federal, stateand/ormunicipal leveland in certain foreign jurisdictions may increase or impose newincometaxes, indirect taxes or other taxes or revise interpretations ofexistingtaxrulesand regulationsasameans of financingthecosts ofstimulus ormay take othermeasures to protect populationsand economies fromtheimpact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Increases in direct and indirect taxratescould affect our net incomeand increases in consumer taxescould affect our products’affordability and reduce oursales. •Wemay berequired to record significant impairment charges with respect to goodwill or intangibleassets whosefair values may be negatively affected by theeffects of theCOVID-19 pandemic. •Thecontinued financial impact of theCOVID-19 pandemicmay cause one ormore of thefinancial institutions we do business with to fail or default in their obligations to us or to become insolvent or filefor bankruptcy, which could cause us to incursignificant lossesand negatively impact our results of operations and financial condition. •Actions we havetaken ormay take, or decisions we havemade ormay make,asaconsequence of theCOVID-19 pandemicmay result in negative publicity and theCompany becominga party to litigation claimsand/or legal proceedings, which could consumesignificant financialandmanagerial resources, result in decreased demand for our productsand injury to our reputation. •Theresumption of normal business operationsafter the disruptionscaused by theCOVID-19 pandemicmay be delayed orconstrained by theCOVID-19 pandemic’s lingeringeffects on oursuppliers, bottlers/distributors,co-packers,contractors, business partnersand/or otherservice providers. Any of the negativeimpacts of theCOVID-19 pandemic, includingthose described above,alone or in combinationwith others, may haveamaterialadverseeffect on our business, reputation, operatingresultsand/or financialcondition. Any of these negativeimpacts,alone or in combinationwith others,could exacerbatemany of therisk factors discussed herein,any of which could materially affect our business, reputation, operatingresultsand/or financialcondition.