Strong Financial Performance
Constellation Energy reported GAAP earnings of $3.82 per share and adjusted operating earnings of $2.74 per share, which was $0.61 higher than the previous year. They raised and narrowed their adjusted operating earnings guidance for the full year to $8 to $8.40 per share.
Nuclear Fleet Performance
Nuclear plants produced over 41 million-megawatt hours with a capacity factor of 95%. Refueling outages averaged less than 18 days, significantly below the industry average of 40 days.
Renewable and Natural Gas Fleet Performance
Renewables had a 96% energy capture rate, and natural gas had a 98.2% power dispatch matching.
Commercial Business Success
Continued strong performance in the commercial business, with margins above long-term averages and enhanced margins disclosed earlier in the year.
Crane Clean Energy Center Restart
The restart of the Crane Clean Energy Center validates the revival of nuclear energy and the growing demand for 24/7 clean energy.