On April 15, 2021, the Company received notification from Covent Bridge Group, a Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services ("CMS") contractor, that they are recommending to CMS that the Company was overpaid in the amount of $2,921,868. This amount represents a statistical extrapolation of $11,530 of charges from a sample of 40 claims for the periods February 2017 to November 2020. On June 3, 2021, the Company received a request for payment from CMS in the amount of $2,918,472. The Company began its own internal audit process and initiated the appropriate appeals. The Company received a notification dated September 30, 2021, from CMS that they "found the request to be favorable by reversing the extrapolation to actual". The Company received a separate notification stating "the extrapolated overpayment was reduced to the actual overpayment amount for the sampled denied claims $5,327.73," which had been paid as of December 31, 2021.
On October 21, 2021, the Company received notification from Covent Bridge Group, a Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services ("CMS") contractor, that they are recommending to CMS that the Company was overpaid in the amount of $2,716,056.33. This amount represents a statistical extrapolation of $6,791.33 of charges from a sample of 38 claims for the periods July 2017 to November 2020 for Progressive Health & Rehabilitation, Ltd ("Progressive Health"). The Company entered into a management agreement with Progressive Health in April 2019 and therefore liable for only a portion of the sampled claims. There were a total of 38 claims reviewed, 25 of these claims were from the period prior to the management agreement with the Company and the remaining 13 claims were related to the period that Progressive Health was managed by the Company. In December 2021, the Company received a request for payment from CMS in the amount of $2,709,265. The Company has begun its own internal audit process and has initiated the appropriate appeals. The Company submitted a redetermination request in March 2022, which was denied. The Company submitted a reconsideration request February 27, 2023. On July 5, 2023, the Company received a reconsideration decision from the second appeal. The Qualified Independent Contractor provided a "partially favorable" decision that medical necessity supported 15 of 38 appealed claims. The Company filed a timely appeal and a hearing with an Administrative Law Judge was conducted November 29, 2023. The ALJ decision received on February 7, 2024, failed to address appeal and partially favorable decision impact on the extrapolated charges. The Company timely filed an appeal to Medicare Appeals Council on April 5, 2024.
On May 17, 2022, the Company received notification from Covent Bridge Group, a Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services ("CMS") contractor, that they are recommending to CMS that the Company was overpaid in the amount of $492,086.22 related to Advantage Therapy. This amount represents a statistical extrapolation of charges from a sample, the actual amount found to be overpaid was $10,420.22. On May 27, 2022 the Company received a request for payment from CMS in the amount of $481,666.00. The Company has begun its own internal audit process and has initiated the appropriate appeals. Prior to this May 2022 notification, CMS had implemented a pre-payment audit for Advantage Therapy. As of June 30, 2023, this audit had resulted in a recoupment balance of approximately $0.1 million of Medicare accounts receivable. The Company submitted a reconsideration request in May 2023. On August 4, 2023, the Company received a reconsideration decision from the second appeal. The Qualified Independent Contractor provided a "partially favorable" decision supporting 31 of 65 appealed claims. The Company filed a timely appeal and conducted a hearing with an Administrative Law Judge February 20, 2024 and awaits the response from the hearing. As of December 31, 2023, this audit had resulted in a recoupment balance of approximately $138,000 of Medicare accounts receivable which has been fully reserved.
On December 9, 2022, the Company received a suspension of payment notification from Covent Bridge Group, a Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services contractor, for IMAC Regeneration Center of Kentucky. On December 22, 2022, the Company responded to the payment suspension with a Rebuttal of Notice. The suspension of payment will remain in effect until the Rebuttal of Notice is answered. The Company provided medical records for 10 beneficiaries. Neither CMS nor Covent Bridge has responded to the Company regarding the records, although they initiated the Kepro audit noted in the following paragraph. As of December 31, 2023, the payment suspension resulted in a recoupment balance of approximately $90,000 of Medicare accounts receivable which has been fully reserved.
On October 2, 2023 the Company received notice from Kepro, "Initial Sanction Notice of Failure in a Substantial Number of Cases". Kepro has recommended a Corrective Action Plan (CAP). (i) Perform a root cause analysis (RCA) and describe the underlying cause of the failure. Submit a copy of the RCA performed. (ii) Identify goals (desired outcomes) of the CAP. These goals must be measurable-containing a numerator and denominator-attainable, and meaningful. (iii) Explain how the process(es) will be created or modified to correct the underlying root cause. (iv) Explain how the process(es) will be implemented, including time frames for implementation. (v) Explain how the implemented process(es) and outcomes will be monitored and reported. (vi) Identify the person who will be responsible for monitoring the CAP's specified time frame. The Company intends on complying with the recommendations of the CAP. In addition, after further review, the Company will appeal the recommendation and outcomes of the audit by Kepro. A meeting with Kepro was conducted on November 20, 2023 to review findings, CAP, and appeal of findings. The meeting resulted in a CAP and communication to medical providers regarding the audit. There is no financial recoupment request.
Other smaller denials the Company is appealing aggregate approximately $25,000 as of December 31, 2023.