Athira Pharma (ATHA)
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Athira Pharma (ATHA) Stock Price & Analysis


ATHA Stock Chart & Stats

Bulls Say, Bears Say

Bulls Say
Clinical TrialsValidated biomarkers of AD and neurodegeneration, including protein pathology, inflammation, and neurodegeneration, showed directional improvements favoring fosgonimeton.
Product DevelopmentThe company remains focused on advancing next-gen oral HGF/MET modulator ATH-1105.
Strategic PartnershipsThe company has initiated a strategic review process to explore strategic alternatives, including the potential to secure a strategic partnership for ATH-1105.
Bears Say
Clinical TrialsFosgonimeton failed to meet primary endpoints in the LIFT-AD Phase 2/3 trial and development of the candidate has been discontinued.
Financial ValuationThe stock is trading at about 35% of cash at the end of August.
Stock PerformanceThe stock traded off approximately 75% after market.



Ownership Overview

10.59% Insiders
0.09% Other Institutional Investors
75.93% Public Companies and Individual Investors

Risk Analysis

Main Risk Category
Tech & InnovationRisks related to the company’s reliance on technology and ability to make innovative products

Website Traffic

Sorry, No Data Available
There is no website visitor data available for this stock.


What was Athira Pharma’s price range in the past 12 months?
Athira Pharma lowest stock price was $0.41 and its highest was $4.30 in the past 12 months.
    What is Athira Pharma’s market cap?
    Athira Pharma’s market cap is $21.46M.
      When is Athira Pharma’s upcoming earnings report date?
      Athira Pharma’s upcoming earnings report date is Mar 20, 2025 which is in 46 days.
        How were Athira Pharma’s earnings last quarter?
        Athira Pharma released its earnings results on Nov 07, 2024. The company reported -$0.75 earnings per share for the quarter, missing the consensus estimate of -$0.702 by -$0.048.
          Is Athira Pharma overvalued?
          According to Wall Street analysts Athira Pharma’s price is currently Overvalued. Get more investment ideas with TipRanks Premium
            Does Athira Pharma pay dividends?
            Athira Pharma does not currently pay dividends.
            What is Athira Pharma’s EPS estimate?
            Athira Pharma’s EPS estimate is -0.41.
              How many shares outstanding does Athira Pharma have?
              Athira Pharma has 38,669,070 shares outstanding.
                What happened to Athira Pharma’s price movement after its last earnings report?
                Athira Pharma reported an EPS of -$0.75 in its last earnings report, missing expectations of -$0.702. Following the earnings report the stock price went down -12%.
                  Which hedge fund is a major shareholder of Athira Pharma?
                  Currently, no hedge funds are holding shares in ATHA

                  Company Description

                  Athira Pharma

                  Athira Pharma Inc is a bio-technology company focused on developing small molecules to restore neuronal health and stop neurodegeneration. The company is developing treatments for Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease.
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