Pershing Square Holdings Ltd Public Class USD Accum.Shs

PSHZF Mutual Fund Price & Analysis

Pershing Square Holdings Ltd Public Class USD Accum.Shs (ticker: PSHZF) is a mutual fund that invests in a diverse portfolio of publicly traded companies. It is managed by Pershing Square Capital Management, a well-known investment firm. The fund aims to provide long-term capital appreciation for its investors by strategically selecting undervalued stocks and actively managing its portfolio. PSHZF is a publicly traded fund, meaning investors can buy and sell shares on the stock market. It is denominated in US dollars and is classified as an accumulation fund, meaning any dividends or capital gains are reinvested into the fund. PSHZF is a popular choice for investors looking for a professionally managed, actively traded mutual fund with a focus on long-term growth.

PSHZF Mutual Fund Chart & Stats

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