The Parvin Hedged Equity Solari World Fund (PHSWX) is a mutual fund that focuses on providing investors with exposure to global equity markets while also utilizing hedging strategies to manage risk. This fund is managed by Parvin Investments and aims to provide long-term capital appreciation by investing in a diversified portfolio of stocks from around the world. With the use of hedging techniques, the fund seeks to protect against market downturns and volatility. PHSWX is a suitable option for investors looking for a balanced approach to global equity investing with risk management measures in place.
For Mutual Funds, the calculations for the Smart Score, Analyst Consensus, Price Target, Blogger Sentiment, News Sentiment and Insider Transactions are based on the weighted average of the Mutual Fund's holdings and some additional factors. Hedge Fund Trend, Crowd Wisdom and Technicals are based on the actual Mutual Fund ticker.