VictoryShares US Multi-Factor Minimum Volatility ETF
The VictoryShares US Multi-Factor Minimum Volatility ETF (VSMV) offers investors a unique opportunity to engage with the total market through a sophisticated multi-factor approach, specifically designed to minimize volatility. Positioned within the 'Size and Style' category, this ETF is strategically focused on harnessing the broad-based dynamics of the total market while reducing risk exposure. VSMV employs a meticulously crafted investment strategy that combines multiple factors, such as value, quality, and momentum, to identify and invest in stocks that are poised for sustainable growth with lower volatility. This makes it an ideal choice for investors seeking a more stable equity investment with the potential for consistent returns. The fund's comprehensive approach to risk management and its alignment with the total market's diverse landscape exemplify its commitment to delivering balanced and resilient portfolio performance.
VictoryShares US Multi-Factor Minimum Volatility ETF (VSMV) Fund Flow Chart
VictoryShares US Multi-Factor Minimum Volatility ETF (VSMV) 1 year Net Flows: -$31M
For ETFs, the calculations for the Smart Score, Analyst Consensus, Price Target, Blogger Sentiment, News Sentiment and Insider Transactions are based on the weighted average of the ETF's holdings and some additional factors. Hedge Fund Trend, Crowd Wisdom and Technicals are based on the actual ETF ticker.