
TSE:CNDD ETF Price & Analysis


CNDD ETF Chart & Stats

ETF Overview

Horizon Beta60Bear A

Horizon Beta60Bear A (TSE:CNDD) is a distinctive exchange-traded fund meticulously crafted to cater to investors seeking strategic exposure within the large-cap segment of the equity market. As a member of the Size and Style category, this ETF zeroes in on large-cap companies, offering a robust investment avenue for those inclined towards stability and potential long-term growth typically associated with well-established corporations. What sets Horizon Beta60Bear A apart is its alignment with a broad-based niche, providing investors with diversified exposure across a wide array of sectors within the large-cap universe. This comprehensive approach not only mitigates sector-specific risks but also enhances the potential for capturing the overall growth trajectory of the market. The fund's strategic composition is tailored to capitalize on the inherent strengths of large-cap stocks, known for their market resilience, liquidity, and capacity to deliver consistent returns. Whether you’re an institutional investor aiming for portfolio diversification or a retail investor seeking a reliable entry point into the stock market, Horizon Beta60Bear A offers a compelling investment proposition. In essence, this ETF serves as a vital tool for those who wish to harness the potential of large-cap equities while navigating the complexities of the financial markets with a broad-based, diversified strategy.

Horizon Beta60Bear A (CNDD) Fund Flow Chart

Horizon Beta60Bear A (CNDD) 1 year Net Flows: 5M


What was TSE:CNDD’s price range in the past 12 months?
TSE:CNDD lowest ETF price was 21.43 and its highest was 31.70 in the past 12 months.
    What is the AUM of TSE:CNDD?
    As of Feb 28, 2025 The AUM of TSE:CNDD is 28.52M.
      Is TSE:CNDD overvalued?
      Not enough analysts have published a price target to calculate whether the price is overvalued.
      Does TSE:CNDD pay dividends?
      TSE:CNDD does not currently pay dividends.
      How many shares outstanding does TSE:CNDD have?
      Currently, no data Available
      Which hedge fund is a major shareholder of TSE:CNDD?
      Currently, no hedge funds are holding shares in TSE:CNDD

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