The RPAR Risk Parity ETF is a unique investment vehicle designed to provide investors with a balanced exposure across multiple asset classes, employing a sophisticated hedge fund strategy with a focus on global macroeconomic trends. This ETF stands out in the Risk Parity niche, a strategy that seeks to allocate risk, rather than capital, equally across various asset categories, aiming to optimize returns while minimizing volatility. The RPAR ETF leverages this approach to navigate diverse market environments, making it an attractive option for those seeking a diversified and resilient portfolio. By investing in a blend of equities, Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities (TIPS), commodities, and Treasury bonds, RPAR strives to deliver long-term growth and risk-adjusted returns. This innovative fund is ideal for investors who appreciate the strategic insights of hedge fund methodologies and wish to access these benefits within the accessible framework of an ETF.
RPAR Risk Parity ETF (RPAR) Fund Flow Chart
RPAR Risk Parity ETF (RPAR) 1 year Net Flows: -$114M