The table shows NVD’s dividend history, including amount per share, payout frequency, declaration, record, and payment dates.
Does NVD pay dividends?
Yes, NVD has paid a dividend within the past 12 months.
How much is NVD's dividend?
NVD pays a dividend of 75.126 per share. NVD's annual dividend yield is 215.57%.
When is NVD ex-dividend date?
NVD's previous ex-dividend date was on Dec 27, 2023. NVD shareholders who own NVD ETF before this date received NVD's last dividend payment of 75.13 per share on Dec 29, 2023. NVD's next ex-dividend date has not been announced yet.
When is NVD dividend payment date?
NVD’s next quarterly payment date is on Dec 29, 2023, when NVD shareholders who owned NVD shares before Dec 27, 2023 received a dividend payment of 75.13 per share. Add NVD to your watchlist to be reminded of NVD's next dividend payment.