
DE:B4N6 ETF Price & Analysis


B4N6 ETF Chart & Stats

ETF Overview

BNP Paribas RICI Enhanced Nickel (TR) EUR Hedge ETC

The BNP Paribas RICI Enhanced Nickel (TR) EUR Hedge ETC, with the ticker DE:B4N6, is a strategically designed exchange-traded commodity (ETC) that offers investors targeted exposure to the industrial metals sector, with a specialized focus on nickel. This ETC is engineered to optimize returns by tracking the Rogers International Commodity Index Enhanced Nickel Total Return, providing a robust investment vehicle for those looking to capitalize on the dynamic and ever-evolving nickel market. As an integral component in various industrial applications, nickel's demand is poised to rise, notably driven by its critical role in the production of stainless steel and electric vehicle batteries. The BNP Paribas RICI Enhanced Nickel ETC leverages this demand growth potential, appealing to investors keen on tapping into the industrial metals niche. Furthermore, the fund is euro-hedged, offering a strategic layer of protection against currency fluctuations, ensuring that European investors can focus on underlying nickel price movements without the added volatility of currency risks. This ETC stands out in the marketplace for its methodical approach to capturing nickel's performance, making it an ideal choice for those who are looking to diversify their portfolios with a commodity that's pivotal to the futuristic trends of industrial and technological advancements. By focusing on an optimized niche strategy, the BNP Paribas RICI Enhanced Nickel (TR) EUR Hedge ETC not only provides a window into the vital nickel sector but also enhances potential returns through its well-calibrated, hedged mechanism.

BNP Paribas RICI Enhanced Nickel (TR) EUR Hedge ETC (B4N6) Fund Flow Chart

BNP Paribas RICI Enhanced Nickel (TR) EUR Hedge ETC (B4N6) 1 year Net Flows: -10K


What was DE:B4N6’s price range in the past 12 months?
DE:B4N6 lowest ETF price was 86.06 and its highest was 1000.00 in the past 12 months.
    What is the AUM of DE:B4N6?
    As of Feb 20, 2025 The AUM of DE:B4N6 is 732.95.
      Is DE:B4N6 overvalued?
      Not enough analysts have published a price target to calculate whether the price is overvalued.
      Does DE:B4N6 pay dividends?
      DE:B4N6 does not currently pay dividends.
      How many shares outstanding does DE:B4N6 have?
      Currently, no data Available
      Which hedge fund is a major shareholder of DE:B4N6?
      Currently, no hedge funds are holding shares in DE:B4N6
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