
DE:A4AG0H ETF Price & Analysis


A4AG0H ETF Chart & Stats

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ETF Overview

Leverage Shares 2x Apple ETP

Leverage Shares 2x Apple ETP (Ticker: DE:A4AG0H) is a specialized exchange-traded product designed for investors aiming to amplify their exposure to one of the most influential companies in the Information Technology sector—Apple Inc. This ETP is uniquely structured to provide twice the daily return of Apple's stock, offering investors the potential for enhanced gains in a bullish market environment. As a sector-focused financial instrument, it caters to those with a strategic interest in the tech industry, particularly those who wish to capitalize on Apple's market dynamics without directly purchasing individual shares. The Leverage Shares 2x Apple ETP is ideally suited for seasoned investors who possess a strong understanding of leveraged products and are seeking to diversify their portfolios with concentrated exposure to a technology titan. With its niche focus on a single high-performing entity, this ETP stands out as a compelling choice for those looking to intensify their investment in the ever-evolving tech landscape.

Leverage Shares 2x Apple ETP (A4AG0H) Fund Flow Chart

Leverage Shares 2x Apple ETP (A4AG0H) 1 year Net Flows: 13M


What was DE:A4AG0H’s price range in the past 12 months?
Currently, no data Available
What is the AUM of DE:A4AG0H?
As of Feb 27, 2025 The AUM of DE:A4AG0H is 4.52M.
    Is DE:A4AG0H overvalued?
    Not enough analysts have published a price target to calculate whether the price is overvalued.
    Does DE:A4AG0H pay dividends?
    DE:A4AG0H does not currently pay dividends.
    How many shares outstanding does DE:A4AG0H have?
    Currently, no data Available
    Which hedge fund is a major shareholder of DE:A4AG0H?
    Currently, no hedge funds are holding shares in DE:A4AG0H

    Top 10 Holdings

    Weight %
    Apple Inc
    U.S. Dollar
    See All Holdings
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