
DE:1NDA ETF Price & Analysis


1NDA ETF Chart & Stats

ETF Overview

Leverage Shares -1x NVIDIA ETP

Leverage Shares -1x NVIDIA ETP (Ticker: DE:1NDA) is a unique financial instrument designed for sophisticated investors looking to capitalize on short-term movements in the semiconductor industry, specifically targeting the performance of NVIDIA Corporation. This exchange-traded product (ETP) falls under the sector-focused category of Information Technology, with a specialized niche in Semiconductors, providing a strategic tool for those interested in inverse exposure to one of the most dynamic segments in tech. As a leveraged ETP, DE:1NDA is engineered to deliver a -1x return on the daily performance of NVIDIA's stock, meaning that for every 1% decrease in NVIDIA's stock price, the ETP aims to deliver a 1% increase, before fees and expenses. This inverse relationship allows investors to potentially benefit from declines in NVIDIA's market value, offering a tactical advantage for hedging or speculative strategies in volatile market conditions. The Leverage Shares -1x NVIDIA ETP is ideal for informed investors with a bearish outlook on NVIDIA or those seeking to diversify their portfolios with sophisticated trading instruments catered to short-term market movements. By focusing on the semiconductor niche within the broader Information Technology sector, this ETP provides a targeted approach to investment, addressing the needs of investors who wish to navigate the rapidly evolving landscape of tech-driven industries.

Leverage Shares -1x NVIDIA ETP (1NDA) Fund Flow Chart

Leverage Shares -1x NVIDIA ETP (1NDA) 1 year Net Flows: 38M


What was DE:1NDA’s price range in the past 12 months?
DE:1NDA lowest ETF price was 25.74 and its highest was 58.11 in the past 12 months.
    What is the AUM of DE:1NDA?
    As of Feb 28, 2025 The AUM of DE:1NDA is 597.66K.
      Is DE:1NDA overvalued?
      Not enough analysts have published a price target to calculate whether the price is overvalued.
      Does DE:1NDA pay dividends?
      DE:1NDA does not currently pay dividends.
      How many shares outstanding does DE:1NDA have?
      Currently, no data Available
      Which hedge fund is a major shareholder of DE:1NDA?
      Currently, no hedge funds are holding shares in DE:1NDA

      Top 10 Holdings

      Weight %
      U.S. Dollar
      Nvidia Corporation
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