What was CXBTF’s price range in the past 12 months?
CXBTF lowest ETF price was 179.00 and its highest was 434.88 in the past 12 months.
What is the AUM of CXBTF?
As of Dec 19, 2024 The AUM of CXBTF is 14.83B.
Is CXBTF overvalued?
Not enough analysts have published a price target to calculate whether the price is overvalued.
Does CXBTF pay dividends?
CXBTF does not currently pay dividends.
How many shares outstanding does CXBTF have?
Currently, no data Available
Which hedge fund is a major shareholder of CXBTF?
Currently, no hedge funds are holding shares in CXBTF
ETF Description
Bitcoin Tracker One
Bitcoin Tracker One (COINXBT SS) is an Exchange Traded Product (certificate) designed to mirror the return of the underlying asset, bitcoin, denominated in Swedish Krona.