ISHARES Balanced ESG ETF Exchange Traded Fund Units (IBAL) Fund Flow Chart
ISHARES Balanced ESG ETF Exchange Traded Fund Units (IBAL) 1 year Net Flows: 10M
What was AU:IBAL’s price range in the past 12 months?
AU:IBAL lowest ETF price was 26.69 and its highest was 30.59 in the past 12 months.
What is the AUM of AU:IBAL?
As of Dec 20, 2024 The AUM of AU:IBAL is 12.91M.
Is AU:IBAL overvalued?
Not enough analysts have published a price target to calculate whether the price is overvalued.
Does AU:IBAL pay dividends?
AU:IBAL does not currently pay dividends.
How many shares outstanding does AU:IBAL have?
Currently, no data Available
Which hedge fund is a major shareholder of AU:IBAL?
Currently, no hedge funds are holding shares in AU:IBAL
ETF Description
ISHARES Balanced ESG ETF Exchange Traded Fund Units
The Fund aims to provide investors with the performance of the various indices of the Underlying Funds in which the Fund invests, in proportion to a Balanced long term Strategic Asset Allocation .