The regulation of small UAS for commercial use in the United States is undergoing substantialchange and the ultimate treatment is uncertain. On February 14, 2012, the FAA Modernization and Reform Act of 2012 was enacted, establishing various deadlines for the FAA to allow expanded use of small UAS for both public and commercial applications. On June 21, 2016, the FAA released its final rules regarding the routine use ofcertain small UAS (under 55 pounds) in the U.S. NationalAirspace Systempursuant to the act (the "Part 107 Rules”). The Part 107 Rules, which became effective in August 2016, provided safety regulations for small UAS conducting non-recreational operations and contain various limitations and restrictions for such operations, including a requirement that operators keep UAS within visual-line-of-sight and prohibiting flights over unprotected people on the ground who are not directly participating in the operation of the UAS. On December 28, 2020, the FAA announced final rules requiring remote identification of drones and allowing operators of small drones to fly over people and at night under certain conditions. We cannot assure you that any final rules enacted in furtherance of the FAA’s announced proposals will result in the expanded use of our drones and drone solutions by commercial and industrial entities. In addition, there exists public concern regarding the privacy implications of U.S. commercial use of small UAS. This concern has included calls to develop explicit written policies and procedures establishing usage limitations. We cannot assure you that the response fromregulatory agencies,customers and privacy advocates to these concerns will not delay or restrict the adoption ofsmallUAS by the commercial use markets. On March 10, 2022, the FAA’s Unmanned Aircraft Systems Beyond Visual Line of Sight Aviation Rulemaking Committee ("ARC”) issued its final report to the FAA. In terms of key recommendations, theARCrecommends that the FAA set an acceptable level of risk (ALR) for UAS that is consistent across all types of operations being performed. The ARC envisions that this approach will allow the FAA to adopt a common and consistent set of regulations and guidance, giving operators the flexibility to meet the ALR through qualitative or quantitative methods, or a hybrid approach. Next, the ARC recommends a series of modifications to the right of way rules in LowAltitude Shielded Areas (within 100’ ofa structure orcritical infrastructure as defined in 42U.S.C. § 5195c)2 and in LowAltitude Non-Shielded Areas (below400’) to accommodate uncrewed aircraft ("UA”) operations. Specifically, the ARCrecommends severalamendments to Right of Way rules to: ? allowautomatic means forsee-and-avoid responsibility; ? give UA right of way in Shielded Areas; ? give UA right of way overcrewed aircraft that are not equipped with ADS-Bor TABS in Non-Shielded LowAltitude Areas; and ? give crewed aircraft that are equipped with ADS-Bor TABS (and broadcasting their position) right of way in Non-Shielded LowAltitude Areas. The ARC also recommends an approach to operator qualification that would extend Part 107, Remote Pilot Certificate with Small UAS Rating, to cover topics associated with Extended Visual Line of Sight (EVLOS) and shielded UAS operations. The recommendation creates a new Remote Pilot certificate rating to cover BVLOS operations beyond the scope of the extended Part 107 rating. The examination for both ratings would consist ofa knowledge test on relevant areas, while practical training and qualifications would be tied to new Remote Air Carrier and Remote Operating certificates, which would be required for most commercial 1-to-many operations. The qualifications would be based on specific UA systems, Use Cases,and operational restrictions. In addition, the ARC recommends that the FAA establish a new BVLOS Rule which includes a process for qualification of UA and UAS, applicable to aircraft up to 800,000 ft-lb of kinetic energy (in accordance with the Operation RiskMatrix). Finally, the ARC recommends that the FAA adopt a non-mandatory regulatory scheme for third party services to be used in support of UAS BVLOS operations. In addition to its recommendations, the ARCidentified certain issues relevant to UAS BVLOS operations that are beyond this ARC’s scope, but which are identified in this report as considerations for futureARCs to address. Similarly, theARCalso identified several issues that are beyond the FAA’s scope ofauthority. However, these recommendations are in the interest of providing a full framework ofactions and policies to promote safe and widespread adoption of UAS BVLOS activities.