Because both of the current members of the Registrant's Board of Directors are officers and controlling stockholders there are no independent members such as would be required for audit, nomination and compensation committees should the Registrant seek to list its securities on major exchanges, nor to assure by their presences and their votes that conflicts of interest would be independently resolved. The Registrant has chartered a board of advisors (see "Board of Advisors") from which it eventually hopes to recruit competent, talented and well connected independent members for its Board of Directors, however, because the Registrant's current directors have a majority of votes at any stockholders meetings, they would have the ability to prevent the election of any person of whom they did not approve. The Board of Advisors will have committees including independent members to deal with audit and compensation matters but all recommendations of the Board of Advisors must be approved by the Registrant's Board of Directors, thus, to some extent, negating the impact of such committees. Notwithstanding the foregoing, as disclosed above, the Registrant is currently seeking qualified additional directors, one third of whom are expected to be independent thus remedying the foregoing situation. No assurances, however, can be provided, given the Registrant's precarious financial position, that such efforts will prove successful.