We believe the Kohl's brand name and many of our private brand names are powerful sales and marketing tools. We devote significant resources to develop, promote, and protect private brands that generate national recognition. In some cases, the private brands or the marketing of such brands are tied to or affiliated with well-known individuals. We also associate the Kohl's brand with third-party national brands that we sell in our store and through our partnerships with companies in pursuit of strategic initiatives. Further, we focus on ESG as a component of our strategy, and we have and may at times continue to engage in voluntary initiatives (such as voluntary disclosures, certifications, or goals, among others) to improve the ESG profile of our company and/or products. For example, we publish an annual report to share information with our partners, shareholders, customers, and associates regarding our ESG progress. These disclosures reflect our goals and other expectations and assumptions, which are necessarily uncertain and may not be realized. Such initiatives may be costly, even if realized, may not have the desired effect, and actions or statements that we may take based on expectations, assumptions, or third-party information that we currently believe to be reasonable may subsequently be determined to be erroneous or be subject to misinterpretation. At the same time, investor and other stakeholder expectations, and voluntary and regulatory ESG disclosure standards and policies, continue to evolve. We may be subject to investor or regulator engagement and/or litigation on our ESG initiatives and disclosures, even if such initiatives are currently voluntary. We also note that divergent views regarding ESG principles are emerging in the U.S., and in particular, in U.S. state-level regulation and enforcement efforts and among certain activist stakeholders. To the extent ESG matters negatively impact our brand and reputation, they may also impede our ability to compete as effectively to attract and retain employees or customers, which may adversely impact our operations, business, financial condition, results of operations, cash flow and prospects.
Damage to the reputations (whether or not justified) of the Kohl's brand, our private brand names, or any affiliated individuals or companies with which we have partnered, could arise from product failures; concerns about human rights, working conditions, and other labor rights and conditions associated with our own operations or where merchandise is produced; perceptions of our diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts; perceptions of our pricing and return policies; litigation; vendor violations of our Terms of Engagement; perceptions of the national vendors and/or other third parties with which we partner; failure, or perceived failure, to realize our ESG goals on a timely basis or at all; perceptions of our management of ESG risks and opportunities; our performance on various ESG ratings; failure to meet evolving investor and other stakeholder expectations with respect to ESG matters; or various other forms of adverse publicity, especially in social media outlets. This type of reputational damage may result in deterioration in our relationships with stakeholders and/or a reduction in sales, operating results, and shareholder value.