Securing the future of the phosphate mining operations at Rotem depends on obtaining several approvals and permits from the authorities in Israel, as follows:
- Emission permit under the Israeli Clean Air Act (hereinafter - the Law): In 2018, the Company conducted two risk assessments by external experts regarding the possibility to execute all the clean air tasks required by the emission permit as per their approved timeline. The risk assessments focused on the technical and safety considerations arising from implementation of a large number of projects in parallel, in an industrial site. The assessments indicated that there is no operational feasibility to implement the full requirements of the permit within the defined timeline, and accordingly the Company is unable to meet the timeline set in the current permit. In 2019, following discussions with the Israeli Ministry of Environmental Protection (hereinafter - MoEP), the MoEP informed the Company that during the course of discussions to renew Rotem Israel's emission permit, which currently remains unchanged, they will consider the safety constraints, the complexity and multiplicity of projects, as well as the Company's diligence to comply with the present permit conditions and their schedules, while prioritizing projects with significant environmental impact. The Company provided the MoEP with its updated projects' outline, schedule and completion status.
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In light of business uncertainty and the COVID-19 pandemic, the Company continued its discussions with the MoEP regarding the timing and scope of executing the investments, including the impact of the uncertainty surrounding Rotem Israel's activity, as far as the implementation of long-term projects is concerned. In December 2020, the Company submitted to the MoEP an application to update the current emission permit, including updated schedules for projects' execution in accordance with their environmental significance. In response, in December 2020, a summary letter was received from the MoEP regarding a principle outline that includes, among other things, postponing the execution of certain projects beyond the current permit period, which is to expire in September 2023, and a demand to complete certain projects within the permit period. The Company continues to hold discussions with the MoEP regarding prioritizing the projects' execution and reaching understandings within the framework of the current emission permit.
- Mining concessions - The Company has the two mining concessions, which are in effect until the end of 2021. During the fourth quarter of 2020, as part of the Company's actions to extend the validity of the said mining concessions and obtain the necessary approvals, positive recommendations were received from the Ministry of Energy, the Committee for Reducing Concentration and the Competition Authority, to extend the licenses for an additional period of three years. In December 2020, the Minister of Energy approached the Chairman of the Finance Committee in the Knesset requesting that the Committee grant final approval to the said extension.
- Oron's lease agreement - The Company has been working to extend the lease agreement for Oron's plant area since 2017, by exercising the extension option provided in the agreement.
- Dry and wet phosphogypsum storage - in October 2020, the construction and use permit for pond 5 were extended until December 31, 2021. The Company is working with the relevant authorities to obtain all the required permits, for the continued operation of the gypsum ponds beyond 2021 and for the continued piling of gypsum, in accordance with the requirements set by law and/or instructions of the Planning and Building Committee.
- Extension of oil shale extraction permit– The ERD (energy resource development) facility in Rotem Israel, which is used for extracting energy from oil shales (hereinafter – the facility), is essential for the continued production activity of Rotem Israel. In February 2020, the Ministry of Energy notified of its intention not to renew the oil shale extraction permit due to the environmental effects of the facility, whose operation is based on outdated technology. The Company is actively working in line with the Ministry of Energy's instructions to replace the facility with a natural gas steam boiler. As the replacement project is complex, and in light of the delays resulting from the Coronavirus crisis, the Company approached the Ministry of Energy with a request to extend the facility's production permit, from May 2021 until the end of 2022, so that the facility can be used until the completion of the project.
- Finding economically feasible alternatives to the continued mining of phosphate rock in Israel – According to the Company's assessment of economic phosphate reserves in the existing mining areas, the estimated useful life of Rotem's phosphate rock reserves, which are essential for some production lines, is limited to only a few years. As described above, the Company is working to obtain permits and approvals which will provide an economic alternative for future mining of phosphate rock in Israel.
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The Company is continuing its discussions with the relevant authorities, inter alia due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the business uncertainty, until the required approvals and permits are granted. Additionally, the Company increased its efforts to accelerate the discussions with the State of Israel on making decisions regarding future phosphate rock sources, in order to secure long-term certainty for Rotem Israel. The Company estimates that it is more likely than not that the said approvals, permits and future phosphate rock sources will be granted within a timeframe which will not materially impact the Company's results. Nevertheless, there is no certainty as to the receipt of such approvals, permits and future phosphate rock sources and/or the date of their receipt. Failure to obtain these approvals, permits and future phosphate rock resources, or a significant delay in receiving them can lead to a material impact on the Company's business, financial position and results of operations.
As at December 31, 2020, Rotem employs more than 1,400 people, and the overall book value of its property, plant and equipment amounts to about $727 million.