Grayscale Digital Large Cap Fund LLC (GDLC) Balance Sheet
Grayscale Digital Large Cap Fund LLC Balance Sheet
Grayscale Digital Large Cap Fund LLC's total assets for Q were $467.36M, an increase of 27.24% from the previous quarter. GDLC total liabilities were $0.00 for the fiscal quarter, a ― a decrease from the previous quarter. See a summary of the company’s assets, liabilities, and equity.
Balance Sheet
Jun 21
Jun 20
Jun 19
Total Assets
$ 367.31M
$ 32.37M
$ 22.80M
Total Liabilities
$ 0.00
$ 0.00
$ 176.53K
Total Equity Gross Minority
$ 367.31M
$ 32.37M
$ 22.62M
Total Capitalization
$ 367.31M
$ 32.37M
$ 22.62M
Preferred Stock Equity
Capital Lease Obligations
Currency in USD
Grayscale Digital Large Cap Fund LLC Debt to Assets