JD.com Inc (GB:0JOQ)
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JD (0JOQ) Product Insights

The estimated number of people who visited one or more of the websites owned by JD
Website Traffic Chart
Related Online Category:

Total Estimated Visits
Unreported Period Q3-2024 (Jul-Aug) Website Traffic Trends
Quarter-to-Date (QTD):
Total estimated visits on all devices are up 276.82% from the same period last year
Year-to-Date (YTD) comparison:
Total estimated visits on all devices are up 127.65% from the same period last year
Next earnings report: Nov 15, 2024 (in 44 days)
The reported fiscal period covers fiscal periods for which the company has already reported earnings, meaning that the data on its website traffic has been publicly disclosed.

The unreported fiscal period covers the upcoming fiscal period, for which the company has not yet released a report, meaning that TipRanks provides access to website traffic data that cannot yet be found anywhere else.

TipRanks’ Website Traffic Tool bases its data on each company’s unique fiscal periods. Publicly traded companies are required to report their earnings on a periodic basis, based on their fiscal year. Most U.S. and Canadian companies report 4 times a year, while most UK companies report twice a year. A fiscal year is a company’s annual financial or accounting reporting period. Most of the time, it is similar to the calendar year; for example, Facebook’s fiscal year coincides with the calendar year and runs from January 1 to December 31. Other times, companies have fiscal years that do not coincide with the calendar year; for example, Microsoft’s fiscal year runs from July 1, to June 30 of the following year.
JD's E-Commerce Competitors
0JRLKohl's Corporation
0A7DDell Technologies
0QZ1At&t Inc
0J2EHP Inc

Website Growth

Total Estimated Visits
Compare to:
Monthly Growth Aug 2024
+7.67% 75.4M
Monthly Comparison
Aug 2024
Jul 2024
Quarter-to-Date Growth Q3 2024 (Jul-Aug)
+5.77% 145.4M
Quarter-to-Date Comparison
Q3 2024
Q2 2024
Year-to-Date Growth 2024
+127.65% 417.2M
Year-to-Date Comparison
Monthly Growth Aug 2024
+7.67% 75.4M
Monthly Comparison
Aug 2024
Jul 2024

User Geography

Traffic Share
Showing estimated monthly traffic from top countries in Aug 2024
Are We Missing Any Domains?
Our mission is to provide you with the most useful and accurate data about . Does this company have any other websites that we should add in order to improve this tool's performance.


How many users visited jd.com in August 2024?
In August 2024 the number of users who visited jd.com was 75.39M.
    What was jd.com monthly growth?
    jd.com monthly users growth was +7.67%.
      What are jd.com main competitors?
      jd.com main competitors are: kohls.com (GB:0JRL) , dell.com (GB:0A7D) , wayfair.com (GB:0A4A) , att.com (GB:0QZ1) , hp.com (GB:0J2E).
        From which country does jd.com gets most of its users?
        Currently, no data Available
        What is the purpose of the website traffic tool?
        The purpose of the website traffic tool is to enhance your stock research. It shows you how a company’s website domains are performing and how their estimated website traffic correlates with the stock’s price. The tool enables you to analyze changes in consumer behavior and predict how this may affect the upcoming earnings report and stock price.
          Where does this data about website traffic come from?
          The website traffic data we use is provided by Semrush. The data is estimated on petabytes of clickstream data gathered from a panel of millions of internet users. Semrush’s neural network algorithm processes clickstream data, as well as backlink and organic search engine positions data, to generate the most accurate estimation of website traffic on the market.
            What is the difference between unique visitors and total visits?
            Unique visitors refers to the number of individuals who visit a website in a given time period. For example, one person who visits the same website multiple times throughout the day is considered as one unique visitor.
            Visits, on the other hand, refer to every visit to the website in a given time period. In this example, if one person visits the same website 12 times in one day, that counts as 12 visits.
            On Google Analytics, ‘unique visits’ are labeled as ‘users’ whilst ‘visits’ are labelled as ‘sessions’.
              I read the term “active users” in an earnings report. How does this differ from “unique visitors” or total visits.
              Each company has different performance measurements when it comes to website/ app visits or interactions within the timeframe they define.

              For example, Pinterest (PINS), uses a measurement called Monthly Active User (MAU), which it defines as a “user who visits our website, opens our mobile application or interacts with Pinterest through one of our browser or site extensions, such as the Save button, at least once during the 30-day period ending on the date of measurement.”

              Snap (PINS) uses a measurement called Daily Active User (DAU) which it define as “a registered Snapchat user who opens the Snapchat application at least once during a defined 24-hour period.”
                Where can I see the top online growth stocks?
                You can see a list of top online growth stock here.
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