Almacenes Exito Sa (EXTOY)
US Market

Almacenes Exito (EXTOY) Price & Analysis


EXTOY Stock Chart & Stats




Ownership Overview

Mutual Funds
<0.01% Other Institutional Investors
100.00% Public Companies and
Individual Investors

Risk Analysis

Main Risk Category
Finance & CorporateFinancial and accounting risks. Risks related to the execution of corporate activity and strategy


What was Almacenes Exito Sa’s price range in the past 12 months?
Almacenes Exito Sa lowest stock price was $3.00 and its highest was $6.97 in the past 12 months.
    What is Almacenes Exito Sa’s market cap?
    Almacenes Exito Sa’s market cap is $580.93M.
      When is Almacenes Exito Sa’s upcoming earnings report date?
      Almacenes Exito Sa’s upcoming earnings report date is Feb 26, 2025 which is 24 days ago.
        How were Almacenes Exito Sa’s earnings last quarter?
        Almacenes Exito Sa released its earnings results on Nov 12, 2024. The company reported -$0.048 earnings per share for the quarter, missing the consensus estimate of N/A by -$0.048.
          Is Almacenes Exito Sa overvalued?
          According to Wall Street analysts Almacenes Exito Sa’s price is currently Overvalued. Get more investment ideas with TipRanks Premium
            Does Almacenes Exito Sa pay dividends?
            Almacenes Exito Sa pays a Notavailable dividend of $0.024 which represents an annual dividend yield of 2.11%. See more information on Almacenes Exito Sa dividends here
              What is Almacenes Exito Sa’s EPS estimate?
              Almacenes Exito Sa’s EPS estimate for its next earnings report is not yet available.
              How many shares outstanding does Almacenes Exito Sa have?
              Almacenes Exito Sa has 162,233,050 shares outstanding.
                What happened to Almacenes Exito Sa’s price movement after its last earnings report?
                Almacenes Exito Sa reported an EPS of -$0.048 in its last earnings report, missing expectations of N/A. Following the earnings report the stock price went up 1.02%.
                  Which hedge fund is a major shareholder of Almacenes Exito Sa?
                  Currently, no hedge funds are holding shares in EXTOY

                  Company Description

                  Almacenes Exito Sa

                  Almacenes Exito SA Sponsored ADR (EXTO) is a leading retail company based in Colombia, operating a diverse portfolio of supermarkets, hypermarkets, and e-commerce platforms. The company primarily engages in the food retail sector, offering a wide range of groceries, electronics, clothing, and household items. With a strong presence in the South American market, Almacenes Exito aims to provide high-quality products and exceptional customer service across its physical and digital channels.
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